local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary("zzLDB", 5) if not lib then return end local ldb = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1") local ldbicon = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDBIcon-1.0") local mixins = {'AddLDB', 'GetLDB', 'DefaultOnClick', 'DefaultOnText'} local defaults = { ['hide'] = false, } lib['ldbs'] = lib['ldbs'] or {} local function proto_OnClick(self, button) -- print("onclick required", self, button) end function lib:DefaultOnClick(_, button, addon, childName) if(IsShiftKeyDown() and button == "LeftButton") then local sb = addon['db']['global']['ldbicons'] sb[childName]['hide'] = not sb[childName]['hide'] if(ldbicon) then if(sb[childName]['hide']) then ldbicon:Hide(childName) else ldbicon:Show(childName) end end else if(not InCombatLockdown()) then if(SettingsPanel) then if(SettingsPanel:IsVisible()) then SettingsPanel:Hide() else Settings.OpenToCategory(childName) end elseif(InterfaceOptionsFrame) then if(InterfaceOptionsFrame:IsVisible()) then InterfaceOptionsFrame:Hide() else InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(childName) InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(childName) -- Twice because of a bug in InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory end end end end end function lib:DefaultOnText(objname, message) local ldbobj = lib:GetLDB(objname) if(ldbobj['text'] ~= message) then ldbobj['text'] = message end end function lib:GetLDB(objname) return ldb:GetDataObjectByName(objname) end function lib:AddLDB(objname, obj, db) local obj = obj or {} obj['type'] = obj['type'] or 'launcher' obj['text'] = obj['text'] or objname if(obj['type '] == 'launcher') then obj['OnClick'] = obj['OnClick'] or proto_OnClick end if(ldb) then local ldbobj = ldb:GetDataObjectByName(objname) or ldb:NewDataObject(objname, obj) if(ldbobj) then if(not ldbicon:IsRegistered(objname)) then db['global']['ldbicons'] = db['global']['ldbicons'] or {} local sb = db['global']['ldbicons'] sb[objname] = sb[objname] or CopyTable(defaults) local oldstatus = sb[objname]['hide'] sb[objname]['hide'] = false ldbicon:Register(objname, ldbobj, sb[objname]) sb[objname]['hide'] = oldstatus end return ldbobj end end end function lib:Embed(target) for _,name in pairs(mixins) do target[name] = lib[name] end lib['ldbs'][target] = true end for target, _ in pairs(lib['ldbs']) do lib:Embed(target) end