local addonname, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(childName, "enUS", true) if L then L[childName] = childName L['Init module'] = function(v) return format("Initializing module %s", v) end L['Could not init module'] = function(v) return format("Could not init module %s", v) end L['Unspecified']=true L['Quiver']=true L['Ammo Pouch']=true L['Soul Bag']=true L['Leatherworking Bag']=true L['Inscription Bag']=true L['Herb Bag']=true L['Enchanting Bag']=true L['Engineering Bag']=true L['Keyring']=true L['Gem Bag']=true L['Mining Bag']=true L['Unknown']=true L['Vanity Pets']=true L['Fishing Supplies']=true L['Cooking Supplies']=true L['Toys']=true L['Archaeology']=true L['Alchemy']=true L['Blacksmithing']=true L['First Aid']=true L['Jewelcrafting']=true L['Skinning']=true L['Tailoring']=true L['Bagtypes']=true L['Show free space']=true L['Show free space instead of used space']=true L['Refill'] = true L['Items per Row']=true L['Locked'] = true L['Fix position of the window'] = true L['Visible'] = true L['Show window on startup'] = true L['main_nav'] = function(v) local i local t = { ['refill'] = "Refill - Configuration", }; if(t[v]) then i = t[v] end if(not i) then i = v end return i end L['empty_info'] = format("%s",childName) L['close'] = 'Close' L['move'] = 'Move window' L['refill here'] = 'Drag item here to add to refill list' L['delete refill'] = 'Remove this refill' L['solditem'] = function(link,price) return format("Sold item %s", link) end L['earnedmoney'] = function(m) return format("Goldgrowth: %s", addon:MoneyString(m)) end L['Autosell'] = true L['Sells grey items to the next merchant'] = true L["Bags to front"] = true L["Bags to back"] = true L["Toggle window"] = true end