--[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlizOptionsGroup Container Simple container widget for the integration of AceGUI into the Blizzard Interface Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local Type, Version = "BlizOptionsGroup", 26 local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true) if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end -- Lua APIs local pairs = pairs -- WoW APIs local CreateFrame = CreateFrame --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scripts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local function OnShow(frame) frame.obj:Fire("OnShow") end local function OnHide(frame) frame.obj:Fire("OnHide") end --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local function okay(frame) frame.obj:Fire("okay") end local function cancel(frame) frame.obj:Fire("cancel") end local function default(frame) frame.obj:Fire("default") end local function refresh(frame) frame.obj:Fire("refresh") end --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local methods = { ["OnAcquire"] = function(self) self:SetName() self:SetTitle() end, -- ["OnRelease"] = nil, ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width) local content = self.content local contentwidth = width - 63 if contentwidth < 0 then contentwidth = 0 end content:SetWidth(contentwidth) content.width = contentwidth end, ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height) local content = self.content local contentheight = height - 26 if contentheight < 0 then contentheight = 0 end content:SetHeight(contentheight) content.height = contentheight end, ["SetName"] = function(self, name, parent) self.frame.name = name self.frame.parent = parent end, ["SetTitle"] = function(self, title) local content = self.content content:ClearAllPoints() if not title or title == "" then content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10) self.label:SetText("") else content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -40) self.label:SetText(title) end content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10) end } --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local function Constructor() local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, InterfaceOptionsFramePanelContainer) frame:Hide() -- support functions for the Blizzard Interface Options frame.okay = okay frame.cancel = cancel frame.default = default frame.refresh = refresh -- 10.0 support function aliases (cancel has been removed) frame.OnCommit = okay frame.OnDefault = default frame.OnRefresh = refresh frame:SetScript("OnHide", OnHide) frame:SetScript("OnShow", OnShow) local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalLarge") label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -15) label:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 10, -45) label:SetJustifyH("LEFT") label:SetJustifyV("TOP") --Container Support local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame) content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10) content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10) local widget = { label = label, frame = frame, content = content, type = Type } for method, func in pairs(methods) do widget[method] = func end return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget) end AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)