local addonName, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local child = addon[childName] local events = child['events'] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(childName, true) local db local delayOnUpdate = .5 LibStub("zzHelper"):Embed(child) local function prepareDB() db = addon['db']['profile'][childName] child['db'] = db addon['callbacks']:Fire(format("Init%s", childName)) child:ZoneEvent() end local function setPlayerCoords() local playerCoords = "-, -" local mapID = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player") if(mapID) then local pmp = C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(mapID,"player") if(pmp) then local x,y = pmp:GetXY() if(x and y) then playerCoords = format("%.1f, %.1f", x*100, y*100) end end end child['playerCoords'] = playerCoords end local colorlist = { ['arena'] = "ff1919", ['combat'] = "ff1919", ['hostile'] = "ff1919", ['friendly'] = "19ff19", ['sanctuary'] = "68ccef", ['contested'] = "ffb200", } local function pvpColor(txt) local col local pvpType, isFFA, faction = GetZonePVPInfo() if(colorlist[pvpType]) then col = colorlist[pvpType] else col = "ffd100" --ffecc1 from ZoneText.lua, the one in the middle of the screen when changing areas --ffd100 from MiniMap.lua, which uses NORMAL_FONT_COLOR --Which one is "more correct"? end return child:colorize(txt, col) end local function OnDataUpdate() setPlayerCoords() if(child['zoneText'] and child['zoneText']~="") then local coordsline = db['hideLDBCoords'] and "%s" or "%s (%s)" child:OnText(childName, format(coordsline,(db['colorLDB'] and pvpColor(child['zoneText']) or child['zoneText']) or "", child['playerCoords'] or "")) else if(db['hideLDBCoords']) then child:OnText(childName, "") else child:OnText(childName, child['playerCoords'] or "") end end if(child['moving']) then C_Timer.After(delayOnUpdate, OnDataUpdate) end end local function zzCoords_MinimapToggle() if(MinimapCluster:IsVisible()) then MinimapCluster:Hide() else MinimapCluster:Show() end end local function limitLength(info, maxlength) if(info and maxlength) then if(maxlength > 0 and info:len() > maxlength) then info = format("%s~",info:sub(1,maxlength)) end end return info end function child:ZoneEvent() local zoneText = db['ShowZone'] and GetRealZoneText() or "" if(db['ShowSubZone']) then if(GetSubZoneText() and GetSubZoneText()~="") then if(db['ShowZone']) then zoneText = zoneText ~= GetSubZoneText() and format("%s, %s",zoneText,GetSubZoneText()) or zoneText else zoneText = GetSubZoneText() end elseif(not db['ShowZone']) then zoneText = GetRealZoneText() end end child['zoneText'] = limitLength(zoneText, db['maxLength']) if(not db['hideMapCoords']) then child['mapframe']:Show() else child['mapframe']:Hide() end OnDataUpdate() end function child:MoveEvent(lib, event) child['moving'] = event == "PLAYER_STARTED_MOVING" and true or nil OnDataUpdate() end child['specs'] = { ['name'] = childName, ['sv'] = true, ['cfg'] = true, ['cfgReset'] = prepareDB, ['ldb'] = child['ldb'], ['defaults'] = { ['profile'] = { [childName] = { ["colorLDB"] = true, ["ShowZone"] = false, ["ShowSubZone"] = true, ["ShowTooltip"] = false, ["windowX"] = 10, ["windowY"] = 5 } } } } function events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD(event) child:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD') local m = CreateFrame("BUTTON", "zzCoords_MinimapToggleFrame") m:SetScript("OnClick", zzCoords_MinimapToggle) if(db['toggleMap'] and db['toggleMap'] ~= '') then SetBinding(db['toggleMap'], "CLICK zzCoords_MinimapToggleFrame:LeftButton") end child:RegisterEvent({"ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA","ZONE_CHANGED","ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS","NEW_WMO_CHUNK"}, child.ZoneEvent) child:RegisterEvent({"PLAYER_STARTED_MOVING", "PLAYER_STOPPED_MOVING"}, child.MoveEvent) end child:NewAddOn(...)