local _, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local child = addon[childName] local events = child['events'] local db, dbp, GBM child['gtypes'] = {} local gtypes = child['gtypes'] LibStub("zzHelper"):Embed(child) function child:GetPID(unit) unit = unit or 'player' local player, realm = UnitFullName(unit) realm = realm or GetRealmName() return format("%s-%s", player, realm) end function child:GetGBM() return GBM end function child:SetGBM(value) GBM = value db['GBMStore'][child:GetPID()] = GBM end function child:ResetGBM() for k, v in pairs(gtypes) do local l = C_Garrison.GetGarrisonInfo(v) if(l and l > 0) then child:SetGBM(k) GarrisonLandingPage.garrTypeID = gtypes[GBM] break end end return child:GetGBM() end function child:switchDisplay(value) if(value) then AlertFrame:UnregisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_FINISHED") AlertFrame:UnregisterEvent("GARRISON_BUILDING_ACTIVATABLE") else AlertFrame:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_FINISHED") AlertFrame:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_BUILDING_ACTIVATABLE") end end function child:findTypes() for k, v in pairs(Enum.GarrisonType) do local l = C_Garrison.GetGarrisonInfo(v) if(l and tonumber(l) > 0) then local _, ver, subver = strsplit('_', k) local followerType = Enum.GarrisonFollowerType[format('FollowerType_%i_%i', ver, subver)] if(followerType) then dbp[followerType] = dbp[followerType] or {} gtypes[followerType] = v end end end if(not gtypes[GBM]) then child:ResetGBM() end end local function prepareDB() db = addon['db']['profile'][childName] child['db'] = db local pid = child:GetPID('player') db['missions'] = db['missions'] or {} db['missions'][pid] = db['missions'][pid] or {} dbp = db['missions'][pid] db['GBMStore'] = db['GBMStore'] or {} db['GBMStore'][pid] = db['GBMStore'][pid] or Enum.GarrisonFollowerType.FollowerType_8_0 GBM = db['GBMStore'][pid] addon['callbacks']:Fire(format("Init%s", childName)) end local function GetMission(missionID) for _, v in pairs(C_Garrison.GetInProgressMissions(GBM) or {}) do if(missionID == v['missionID']) then return v end end end local function AddDB(missionID) local missionInfo = GetMission(missionID) if(missionInfo) then local mt = {C_Garrison.GetMissionTimes(missionID)} dbp[GBM][missionID] = time() + mt[5] end end function events:GARRISON_MISSION_STARTED(_, _, missionID) AddDB(missionID) end function events:ADDON_LOADED(_, event, addonName) if(addonName == 'Blizzard_GarrisonUI') then child:findTypes() child:UnregisterEvent(event) end end function events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() child:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD') if(not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_GarrisonUI")) then UIParentLoadAddOn("Blizzard_GarrisonUI") end if(db['hideStandard'] and GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton) then GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton:UnregisterAllEvents() GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton:Hide() end child:switchDisplay(db['garrisonHideCombat']) end child['specs'] = { ['name'] = childName, ['sv'] = true, ['cfg'] = true, ['cfgReset'] = prepareDB, ['ldb'] = child['ldb'], ['defaults'] = { ['profile'] = { [childName] = { ['garrisonText'] = 'GS', ['garrisonHideCombat'] = false, ['hideStandard'] = true, } } } } child:NewAddOn(...)