local addonName, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local child = addon[childName] local db local zzLDB = LibStub:GetLibrary("zzLDB") local folder = addonName ~= childName and format("Interface\\AddOns\\%s\\%s", addonName, childName) or format("Interface\\AddOns\\%s", childName) local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(childName, true) local ldbicon = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDBIcon-1.0") local GetNumAddOns = GetNumAddOns local GetAddOnInfo = GetAddOnInfo local GetAddOnMemoryUsage = GetAddOnMemoryUsage local GetAddOnCPUUsage = GetAddOnCPUUsage local replaces = { ['Sunday'] = true, ['Monday'] = true, ['Tuesday'] = true, ['Wednesday'] = true, ['Thursday'] = true, ['Friday'] = true, ['Saturday'] = true, ['January'] = true, ['February'] = true, ['March'] = true, ['April'] = true, ['May'] = true, ['June'] = true, ['July'] = true, ['August'] = true, ['September'] = true, ['October'] = true, ['November'] = true, ['December'] = true, } local IsAddOnLoaded = IsAddOnLoaded -- Fix Classic local C_CVar = C_CVar or { GetCVarBool = function(value) return GetCVar(value) and true or false end } local GameTimeFrame_OnClick = GameTimeFrame_OnClick or function(self) TimeManagerClockButton:Click() end -- End of Fix Classic local function updateainfo() child['ainfo'] = child['ainfo'] or {} local ainfo = child['ainfo'] wipe(ainfo) UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage() UpdateAddOnCPUUsage() local name, enabled, security, mem, cpu, _ for i=1, GetNumAddOns() do mem = 0 cpu = 0 name, _, _, enabled, _, _, security = GetAddOnInfo(i) if(name and enabled and IsAddOnLoaded(i)) then mem = GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i) cpu = GetAddOnCPUUsage(i) ainfo[#ainfo+1] = { ['name'] = name, ['mem'] = mem, ['cpu'] = cpu, } end end end local function OnClick(self, button) if(button == 'RightButton') then if(InterfaceOptionsFrame:IsVisible() and not InCombatLockdown()) then InterfaceOptionsFrame:Hide() else InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(childName) InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(childName) -- Twice because of a bug in InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory end elseif(button == 'MiddleButton') then local pCPU = C_CVar.GetCVarBool("scriptProfile") if(pCPU) then pCPU = 0 else pCPU = 1 end C_CVar.SetCVar("scriptProfile", pCPU) print(L["CPU setting changed. Please Reload UI."]) updateainfo() else if(IsShiftKeyDown()) then local db = addon['db']['global']['ldbicons'] db[childName]['hide'] = not db[childName]['hide'] if(ldbicon) then if(db[childName]['hide']) then ldbicon:Hide(childName) else ldbicon:Show(childName) end end elseif(IsControlKeyDown()) then print(L["garbagecollected"]) collectgarbage("collect") else GameTimeFrame_OnClick(_G["GameTimeFrame"]) end end end local function toggleColor(col,col1,col2) return col == col1 and col2 or col1 end local function compute() local c = date(db['clockstring']) local d = date(db['datestring']) for k in pairs(replaces) do if(k ~= L[k]) then d = d:gsub(k, L[k]) end end local h, w = select(3,GetNetStats()) local l = db['latencystring'] l = l:gsub("%%world", w) l = l:gsub("%%local", h) local f = db['fpsstring'] f = f:gsub("%%fps",floor(GetFramerate())) return c,d,l,f end local function sortTab(a,b) return a['mem'] > b['mem'] end local function sortTab2(a,b) return a['cpu'] > b['cpu'] end local function OnTooltipShow(tip) local lastainfo = child['lastainfo'] or GetTime() - 1 local ainfodelay = child['ainfodelay'] or 2 if(GetTime() > lastainfo) then updateainfo() child['lastainfo'] = GetTime() + ainfodelay end local ainfo = child['ainfo'] local c,d,l,f = compute() tip:AddLine(childName) local col = "00ff00" if(db['expert']) then tip:AddLine(child:colorize(d,col)) else tip:AddLine(child:colorize(format("%s, %s.%s",L[date("%A")],date("%d"),L[date("%B")]),col)) end col = toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00") if(db["12-Hours"]) then tip:AddDoubleLine(child:colorize(L['Time'],col),child:colorize(date("%I:%M:%S"),toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00"))) else tip:AddDoubleLine(child:colorize(L['Time'],col),child:colorize(date("%H:%M:%S"),toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00"))) end col = toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00") tip:AddDoubleLine(child:colorize(L['Latency'],col),child:colorize(format("%s ms",select(3,GetNetStats())),toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00"))) col = toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00") tip:AddDoubleLine(child:colorize(L['FPS'],col),child:colorize(format("%i fps",floor(GetFramerate())),toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00"))) col = toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00") tip:AddDoubleLine(child:colorize(L['AddOn Memory'],col),child:colorize(format("%i MB",floor(collectgarbage('count')/1024)),toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00"))) tip:AddLine(" ") tip:AddLine(L["AddOns"]) sort(ainfo,sortTab) local sum,cnt = 0,0 for _, v in ipairs(ainfo) do if(cnt<9) then tip:AddDoubleLine(child:colorize(v['name'],"00ffff"),format(L["%i kB"],v['mem'])) cnt = cnt + 1 end sum = sum + v['mem'] end tip:AddDoubleLine(L['total'],format(L["%i kB"],format("%.2f",sum))) local pCPU = C_CVar.GetCVarBool("scriptProfile") if(pCPU) then tip:AddLine(" ") tip:AddLine(L["CPU"]) sort(ainfo,sortTab2) sum,cnt = 0,0 for _, v in ipairs(ainfo) do if(cnt<5) then tip:AddDoubleLine(child:colorize(v['name'],"00ffff"),format(L["%i ms"],v['cpu'])) cnt = cnt + 1 end sum = sum + v['cpu'] end tip:AddDoubleLine(L['total'],format(L["%i ms"],format("%.2f",sum))) end tip:AddLine(" ") tip:AddLine(L['HINT4']) tip:AddLine(L["garbagecollect"]) tip:AddLine(L['HINT3']) tip:AddLine(L['HINT5']) end local function OnDataUpdate() local line = childName if(db['expert']) then local c,d,l,f = compute() line = db['ldbstring'] line = line:gsub("%%clock", child:colorize(c,db['clockcolor'])) line = line:gsub("%%date", child:colorize(d,db['datecolor'])) line = line:gsub("%%fps", child:colorize(f,db['fpscolor'])) line = line:gsub("%%latency", child:colorize(l,db['latencycolor'])) else line = '' if(db["showClock"]) then line = format("%s%s ", line, db["12-Hours"] and date("%I:%M") or date("%H:%M")) end if(db["showLatency"]) then line = format("%s%s", line, child:colorize(format("%s ms ",select(3,GetNetStats())), "ffff00")) end if(db["showFPS"]) then line = format("%s%s fps", line, floor(GetFramerate())) end end if(line ~= '') then child:OnText(childName, line) else child:OnText(childName, childName) end C_Timer.After(db['update'] or 2, OnDataUpdate) end function child:update() OnDataUpdate() end child['ldb'] = { -- https://github.com/tekkub/libdatabroker-1-1/wiki/Data-Specifications ['type'] = 'data source', -- required: 'data source' or 'launcher' ['text'] = childName, -- required/optional for launcher ['icon'] = format("%s\\icon2.tga", folder), -- optional/required for launcher ['OnClick'] = OnClick, -- optional/required for launcher ['OnTooltipShow'] = OnTooltipShow, -- optional } local init = { Setup = function(self, childName, event) -- print("setup ldb", childName, event) child.OnText = zzLDB.DefaultOnText db = child['db'] C_Timer.After(db['update'], OnDataUpdate) end } addon.RegisterCallback(init, format("Init%s", childName), 'Setup', childName)