local addonName, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local child = addon[childName] local events = child['events'] local db, dbf, dbr,dbp, scanned, realm LibStub("zzHelper"):Embed(child) local function prepareDB() local faction = UnitFactionGroup('player') realm = GetRealmName() local player = UnitName("player") addon['db']['profile'][childName] = addon['db']['profile'][childName] or {} db = addon['db']['profile'][childName] db[faction] = db[faction] or {} dbf = db[faction] dbf[realm] = dbf[realm] or {} dbr = dbf[realm] dbr[player] = dbr[player] or { ['mail'] = 0, ['mailunread'] = 0 } dbp = dbr[player] child['db'] = db addon['callbacks']:Fire(format("Init%s", childName)) end local function mailupdate() if(not scanned) then return dbp['mailunread'], dbp['mail'] else local cur, tot = GetInboxNumItems() dbp['mail'] = tot return dbp['mailunread'], tot end end local function mail() local packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, hasItem, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated, canReply, isGM local index,newunread = 0,0 local unread, tot = mailupdate() subject = "start" while(subject) do index = index + 1 packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, hasItem, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated, canReply, isGM = GetInboxHeaderInfo(index) if(subject and not wasRead) then newunread = newunread + 1 if(GetInboxNumItems() == 0 and scanned) then newunread = 0 end end end if(not(dbp['mail'] > 0 and GetInboxNumItems() == 0)) then dbp['mailunread'] = newunread end if(dbp['newmail']) then if(HasNewMail() and tot == 0) then tot = #{GetLatestThreeSenders()} if(scanned and select(2,GetInboxNumItems()) == 0) then tot = 0 end end if(dbp['mailunread'] == 0) then dbp['mailunread'] = 1 end if(tot == 0) then return tot else return (dbp['mailunread'] .. "/" .. tot) end else return tot end end local function iterateMail() for i = 1, GetInboxNumItems() do if(not select(9,GetInboxHeaderInfo(i))) then return 1 end end return end function events:MAIL_SHOW(event) dbp['newmail'] = HasNewMail() if(MailFrame:IsVisible() and GetInboxNumItems() > 0) then dbp['newmail'] = iterateMail() end child:OnText(childName, child:colorize(mail(),dbp['newmail'] and "00ff00" or "ffffff")) if(event == "MAIL_SHOW") then scanned = true elseif(event == "UPDATE_PENDING_MAIL") then scanned = false end end events.MAIL_CLOSED = events.MAIL_SHOW child['specs'] = { ['name'] = childName, ['sv'] = true, ['cfg'] = true, ['cfgReset'] = prepareDB, ['ldb'] = child['ldb'], ['defaults'] = { ['profile'] = { [childName] = {} } } } function events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() if(not realm) then prepareDB() else child:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD') child:RegisterEvent({'MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE', 'UPDATE_PENDING_MAIL'}, events.MAIL_SHOW) events.MAIL_SHOW() end end child:NewAddOn(...)