local addonname, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(childName, "koKR", false) if L then L[childName] = childName L[childName..' Settings'] = childName..' 설정' L['Sitzung']='세션' L['Einnahmen']='수입' L['Ausgaben']='지출' L['Heute']='오늘' L['Gestern']='어제' L['7-Tage']='7일' L['Gesamt']='전체' L['Bankier']='은행' L['Goldgrenze']='골드 제한' L['Sende'] = '보내기' L['Subject'] = '모우기' L['Minimum Limit']='최소 제한' L['Desc MinL']='Chars with less than this limit will be shown to the banker' L['Maximum Limit']='최대 제한' L['Desc MaxL']='Chars with more than this limit will see a button in the send mail window to send it to the banker' L['Empfaenger']='수령인' L['Fail']='우편물 발송 실패' L['Success']=function(name,sum) return format("Sent %s to %s", GetCoinTextureString(sum), name) end L['iconSize']='골드 아이콘 크기' L['sortDir'] = '위/아래로 툴팁 정렬' L['nobanker'] = '은행 기능 비활성화' L['neutral'] = '중립적인 동안 비활성화' L['accountMoney'] = 'Global Money' L['accountMoneyDesc'] = 'Show accountwide Money' L['shortMoney'] = '골드만 표시' L['shortMoneyTip'] = 'Shorten money in tooltip' L['abrevK'] = "Shorten money display k" L['abrevM'] = "Shorten money display m" L['abrK'] = "k" L['abrM'] = "m" L['connectedRealms'] = "List connected Realms" L['DeleteChar'] = "Delete Char" L['DeleteCharDesc'] = "Removes all data for this character" L['DeleteCharOk'] = "Yes, I'm sure!" L['showLog'] = "Log changes in chat" L['ttmenu_title'] = "Tooltip Settings" L['ttmenu_desc'] = "This settings modify the broker tooltip" L['noIcon'] = "No Coins" L['noIconDesk'] = "Use text instead of coin texture" L['Color text'] = "Use color text" L['Color text desc'] = "Colorize text in coin colors" L['displayMoneyChar'] = "Character" L['displayMoneyRealm'] = "Realm (Pool)" L['displayMoneyGlobal'] = "Global" L['displayMoneyGlobalFaction'] = "Global (only your faction)" L['Displayvalue'] = "Broker Display" L['DisplayvalueDesc'] = "Selects the sum diplayed by the broker. Global is for all factions and chars. Realm is for your faction (pool when selected)." L['seperate'] = "Use seperator" L['seperateDesc'] = format("Add '%s' to make numbers readable", LARGE_NUMBER_SEPERATOR) end