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2021-03-23 10:50:19 +00:00
local addonname, addon = ...
local childName = addon['childName']
local child = addon[childName]
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(childName, "deDE", false)
if L then
L[childName] = childName
L[format('%s Settings', childName)] = format('%s Settings', childName)
L['Autorepair'] = 'Automatisch reparieren'
L['Show lowest'] = 'Zeige Niedrigstes'
L['Show durability of your lowest item only'] = 'Zeigt die Haltbarkeit des niedrigsten Ausr\195\188stungsgegenstands statt dem Durchschnitt'
L['Show all slots'] = 'Zeige alle Slots'
L['Show all slots in the tooltip instead of damaged only'] ='Zeigt im Tooltip auch nicht besch\195\164digte Items'
L["HeadSlot"] = 'Kopf'
L["NeckSlot"] = 'Hals'
L["ShoulderSlot"] = 'Schulter'
L["BackSlot"] = 'R\195\188cken'
L["ChestSlot"] = 'Brust'
L["ShirtSlot"] = 'Hemd'
L["TabardSlot"] = 'Wappenrock'
L["WristSlot"] = 'Handgelenk'
L["HandsSlot"] = 'H\195\164nde'
L["WaistSlot"] = 'Taille'
L["LegsSlot"] = 'Beine'
L["FeetSlot"] = 'F\195\188\195\159e'
L["Finger0Slot"] = 'Erster Ring'
L["Finger1Slot"] = 'Zweiter Ring'
L["Trinket0Slot"] = 'Erstes Schmuckst\195\188ck'
L["Trinket1Slot"] = 'Zweites Schmuckst\195\188ck'
L["MainHandSlot"] = 'Waffenhand'
L["SecondaryHandSlot"] = 'Nebenhand'
L["RangedSlot"] = 'Fernkampf'
L["AmmoSlot"] = 'Munition'
L["Bag0Slot"] = 'Erste Tasche'
L["Bag1Slot"] = 'Zweite Tasche'
L["Bag2Slot"] = 'Dritte Tasche'
L["Bag3Slot"] = 'Vierte Tasche'
L['repaircost'] = function(r) return format("Verschwendete Reparaturkosten: %s", child:MoneyString(r)) end
L['repaircostgb'] = function(r) return format("Verschwendete Reparaturkosten zu Lasten der Gildenbank: %s", child:MoneyString(r)) end
L["Repair Charts"] = "Repair Charts"
L['Allow Guildbank Repair'] = "Repariere aus Gildenbank"
L['Money low'] = "Nicht genug Geld f\195\188r Reparatur!"
L['HINT3'] = "|c0000ff00Shift-Linksklick|r |c00ffffffschaltet Minimapicon an/aus|r"
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2021-01-13 15:20:09 +00:00
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