local addonName, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local child = addon[childName] local events = child['events'] local db local function prepareDB() db = addon['db']['profile'][childName] child['db'] = db addon['callbacks']:Fire(format("Init%s", childName)) end child['specs'] = { ['name'] = childName, ['sv'] = true, ['cfg'] = true, ['cfgReset'] = prepareDB, ['ldb'] = child['ldb'], ['defaults'] = { ['profile'] = { [childName] = { ['cvars'] = { ['autoLootDefault'] = "1", -- ['consolidateBuffs'] = "0", }, ['HideBorder'] = true, -- Hides the editboxborder when not active ['UnClamp'] = true, -- Make the window movable (take care! you can move it out of your screen) ['HideFriendButton'] = true, -- Hide the friendsbutton ['Unsticky'] = true, -- Dont remember whispers for next enter ['NoSay'] = true -- Dont default chat to say } } } } child:NewAddOn(...)