local addonName, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local child = addon[childName] local events = {} local skipRetail = {} local db local playerID,guildID local NUM_BAG_SLOTS = NUM_BAG_SLOTS local GetContainerNumSlots = GetContainerNumSlots local GetContainerItemLink = GetContainerItemLink local GetContainerItemInfo = GetContainerItemInfo local format = string.format local sync = {} local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(childName, true) LibStub("zzHelper"):Embed(child) local function prepareDB() db = addon['db']['profile'][childName] child['db'] = db addon['callbacks']:Fire(format("Init%s", childName)) end function child:funcSync(func, delayed) local st = GetTime() if(delayed and sync[func]['times'][delayed]) then sync[func]['times'][delayed] = nil end sync[func] = sync[func] or { ['last'] = 0, ['times'] = {} } if(not (st == sync[func]['last'])) then sync[func]['last'] = st return true else if(not sync[func]['times'][st]) then sync[func]['times'][st] = true C_Timer.After(.1, function() func(st) end) end return end end function child:GetNamespace(namespace) if(namespace) then db[namespace] = db[namespace] or {} return db[namespace] end end function child:AddEvent(evTable, func) if(type(evTable) == 'table') then for k, v in pairs(evTable) do if(type(v) == 'function') then self:AddEvent(k, v) elseif(type(v) == 'string' and type(func) == 'function') then self:AddEvent(v, func) end end else events[evTable] = func end end function child:IgnoreRetail(ign) skipRetail[ign] = true end child['specs'] = { ['name'] = childName, ['sv'] = true, ['cfg'] = true, ['cfgReset'] = prepareDB, ['ldb'] = child['ldb'], ['defaults'] = { ['profile'] = { [childName] = { ['bagsToggle'] = true, ['bankToggle'] = true, ['charToggle'] = true, ['mailToggle'] = true, ['bagsTooltip'] = true, ['bankTooltip'] = true, ['charTooltip'] = true, ['mailTooltip'] = true, ['showID'] = true, ['icons'] = {}, ['names'] = {}, ['currencies'] = {}, ['bags'] = {}, ['bank'] = {}, ['guildbank'] = {}, ['units'] = {}, ['guilds'] = {}, ['mail'] = {}, ['CraftTipScale'] = 0.9 } } } } local function OnEvent(lib, self, event, ...) if(type(events[event])=='function') then events[event](self,event,...) else print("[itemsdb] Failed", ...) end end function child.events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD(event) child:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD') local list = {} for event,func in pairs(events) do if(child:IsClassic() or (not child:IsClassic() and not skipRetail[event])) then list[#list+1] = event end end child:RegisterEvent(list, OnEvent) end child:NewAddOn(...)