local addonName, addon = ... local childName = addon['childName'] local child = addon[childName] local modulname = 'void' local events = {} local modul = { ['frame'] = CreateFrame("FRAME"), ['name'] = modulname } local db local voidOpen local failCount = 0 local dName = format("%sCount", modulname) local function scanVoid() if(not voidOpen) then return end local playerID = child.getPID() if(playerID) then local itemlist = {} local empty = true for tab = 1, 2 do for slot = 1, 80 do local id, icon = GetVoidItemInfo(tab, slot) if(id) then id = tonumber(id) empty = false itemlist[id] = itemlist[id] or {} itemlist[id]['count'] = (itemlist[id]['count'] or 0) + 1 child:getName(id) child:setIcon(id, icon) end end end local count = 0 for k, v in pairs(itemlist) do count = count + 1 end if(count == 0 and failCount < 3) then C_Timer.After(.2, scanVoid) failCount = failCount + 1 return end failCount = 0 modul['db'][playerID][0] = itemlist end end local function bagLoop(id, res) for k, v in pairs(modul['db']) do local units = child:GetNamespace('units') if(units[k]) then local playerID = child.getPID() if(playerID and units[k]['faction'] == units[playerID]['faction']) then local unitname = units[k]['name'] for bag, list in pairs(v) do for a, b in pairs(list) do if(a == id) then res[unitname] = res[unitname] or { [dName] = 0 } res[unitname][dName] = (res[unitname][dName] or 0) + b['count'] end end end end end end return res end function modul.Search(id, res) local playerID = child.getPID() if(playerID) then modul['db'][playerID] = modul['db'][playerID] or {} end return playerID and bagLoop(id, res) or res end function modul.Output(input, sum, b) if(b[dName] and b[dName]>0) then input[#input + 1] = format("Void %s", b[dName]) sum = sum + b[dName] end return input, sum end function events:VOID_STORAGE_CLOSE() voidOpen = false end function events:VOID_STORAGE_OPEN() voidOpen = true scanVoid() end events.VOID_STORAGE_CONTENTS_UPDATE = scanVoid events.VOID_STORAGE_DEPOSIT_UPDATE = scanVoid events.ITEM_UNLOCKED = scanVoid events.VOID_TRANSFER_DONE = scanVoid local function OnEvent(self, event, ...) local playerID = child.getPID() if(playerID and type(events[event])=='function') then modul['db'] = child:GetNamespace(modul.name) modul['db'][playerID] = modul['db'][playerID] or {} events[event](self, event, ...) end end function modul:Delete(id, typ) self['db'] = child:GetNamespace(modul.name) if(typ == self['typ'] and id and id>0) then self['db'][id] = nil end end function modul:Enable() self['status'] = true local list = {} for event, func in pairs(events) do list[#list+1] = event end for i = 1, #list do self['frame']:RegisterEvent(list[i]) end self['frame']:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent) end function modul:Disable() self['status'] = false for event, func in pairs(events) do self['frame']:UnregisterEvent(event) end end child:IgnoreClassic(modulname) child:IgnoreBCC(modulname) local init = { Setup = function(self) db = child['db'] modul.db, modul.status = child:RegisterModul(modul, modulname) if(modul.status) then modul:Enable() end end } addon.RegisterCallback(init, format("Init%s", childName), 'Setup')