
227 lines
12 KiB

Example exec module to use the Anker API for export of defined system data and device details.
This module will prompt for the Anker account details if not pre-set in the header.
Upon successfull authentication, you can specify a subfolder for the exported JSON files received as API query response, defaulting to your nick name
Optionally you can specify whether personalized information in the response data should be randomized in the files, like SNs, Site IDs, Trace IDs etc.
You can review the response files afterwards. They can be used as examples for dedicated data extraction from the devices.
Optionally the API class can use the json files for debugging and testing on various system outputs.
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from datetime import datetime
from getpass import getpass
from contextlib import suppress
import json, logging, sys, csv, os, time, string, random
from api import api
_LOGGER: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # enable for debug output
# Optional default Anker Account credentials to be used
USER = ""
RANDOMIZE = True # Global flag to save randomize decission
RANDOMDATA = {} # Global dict for randomized data, printed at the end
def randomize(val, key: str = "") -> str:
"""Randomize a given string while maintaining its format if format is known for given key name.
Reuse same randomization if value was already randomized"""
return str(val)
randomstr = RANDOMDATA.get(val,"")
if not randomstr:
if "_sn" in key:
randomstr = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase+string.digits, k=len(val)))
elif "bt_ble_" in key:
"""Handle values with and without : """
temp = val.replace(":","")
randomstr = RANDOMDATA.get(temp) # retry existing randomized value without :
if not randomstr:
randomstr = "".join(random.choices(string.hexdigits.upper(), k=len(temp)))
if ":" in val:
RANDOMDATA.update({temp: randomstr}) # save also key value without :
randomstr = ':'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(randomstr[::2], randomstr[1::2]))
elif "_id" in key:
for part in val.split("-"):
if randomstr:
randomstr = "-".join([randomstr,"".join(random.choices(string.hexdigits.lower(), k=len(part)))])
randomstr = "".join(random.choices(string.hexdigits.lower(), k=len(part)))
# default randomize format
randomstr = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=len(val)))
RANDOMDATA.update({val: randomstr})
return randomstr
def check_keys(data):
"""Recursive traversal of complex nested objects to randomize value for certain keys"""
if isinstance(data, str) or isinstance(data, int):
return data
for k, v in data.copy().items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = check_keys(v)
if isinstance(v, list):
v = [check_keys(i) for i in v]
"""Randomize value for certain keys"""
if any(x in k for x in ["_sn","site_id","trace_id","bt_ble_"]):
data[k] = randomize(v,k)
return data
def export(filename: str, d: dict = {}) -> None:
"""Save dict data to given file"""
time.sleep(1) # central delay between multiple requests
if len(d) == 0:
print(f"WARNING: File {filename} not saved because JSON is empty")
d = check_keys(d)
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
json.dump(d, file, indent=2)
print(f"Saved JSON to file {filename}")
except Exception as err:
print(f"ERROR: Failed to save JSON to file {filename}")
async def main() -> None:
print("Exporting found Anker Solix system data for all assigned sites:")
if USER == "":
print("\nEnter Anker Account credentials:")
USER = input("Username (email): ")
if USER == "":
return False
PASSWORD = getpass("Password: ")
if PASSWORD == "":
return False
COUNTRY = input("Country ID (e.g. DE): ")
if COUNTRY == "":
return False
async with ClientSession() as websession:
print("\nTrying authentication...",end="")
myapi = api.API(USER,PASSWORD,COUNTRY,websession, _LOGGER)
if await myapi.async_authenticate():
print("CACHED") # Login validation will be done during first API call
random = input(f"\nDo you want to randomize unique IDs and SNs in exported files? (default: {'YES' if RANDOMIZE else 'NO'}) (Y/N): ")
if random != "" or not isinstance(RANDOMIZE,bool):
RANDOMIZE = random.upper() in ["Y","YES","TRUE",1]
nickname = myapi.nickname.replace("*","#") # avoid filesystem problems with * in user nicknames
folder = input(f"Subfolder for export (default: {nickname}): ")
if folder == "":
if nickname == "":
return False
folder = nickname
os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True)
# first update sites in API object
print("\nQuerying site information...")
await myapi.update_sites()
print(f"Sites: {len(myapi.sites)}, Devices: {len(myapi.devices)}")
_LOGGER.debug(json.dumps(myapi.devices, indent=2))
# Query API using direct endpoints to save full response of each query in json files
print("\nExporting homepage...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"homepage.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["homepage"],json={}))
print("Exporting site list...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"site_list.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["site_list"],json={}))
print("Exporting bind devices...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"bind_devices.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["bind_devices"],json={})) # shows only owner devices
print("Exporting user devices...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"user_devices.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["user_devices"],json={})) # shows only owner devices
print("Exporting charging devices...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"charging_devices.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["charging_devices"],json={})) # shows only owner devices
print("Exporting auto upgrade settings...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"auto_upgrade.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["get_auto_upgrade"],json={})) # shows only owner devices
for siteId, site in myapi.sites.items():
print(f"\nExporting site specific data for site {siteId}...")
print("Exporting scene info...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"scene_{randomize(siteId,'site_id')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["scene_info"],json={"site_id": siteId}))
print("Exporting solar info...")
with suppress(Exception):
export(os.path.join(folder,f"solar_info_{randomize(siteId,'site_id')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["solar_info"],json={"site_id": siteId})) # PARAMETERS UNKNOWN, site id not sufficient
print("Exporting site detail...")
admin = site.get("site_admin")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"site_detail_{randomize(siteId,'site_id')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["site_detail"],json={"site_id": siteId}))
except Exception as err:
if not admin:
print("Query requires account of site owner!")
print("Exporting wifi list...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"wifi_list_{randomize(siteId,'site_id')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["wifi_list"],json={"site_id": siteId})) # works only for site owners
except Exception as err:
if not admin:
print("Query requires account of site owner!")
print("Exporting site price...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"price_{randomize(siteId,'site_id')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["get_site_price"],json={"site_id": siteId})) # works only for site owners
except Exception as err:
if not admin:
print("Query requires account of site owner!")
print("Exporting device parameter settings...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"device_parm_{randomize(siteId,'site_id')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["get_device_parm"],json={"site_id": siteId, "param_type": "4"})) # works only for site owners
except Exception as err:
if not admin:
print("Query requires account of site owner!")
for sn, device in myapi.devices.items():
print(f"\nExporting device specific data for device {device.get('name','')} SN {sn}...")
siteId = device.get('site_id','')
admin = site.get('is_admin')
print("Exporting power cutoff settings...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"power_cutoff_{randomize(sn,'_sn')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["get_cutoff"],json={"site_id": siteId, "device_sn": sn})) # works only for site owners
except Exception as err:
if not admin:
print("Query requires account of site owner!")
print("Exporting fittings...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"device_fittings_{randomize(sn,'_sn')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["get_device_fittings"],json={"site_id": siteId, "device_sn": sn})) # works only for site owners
except Exception as err:
if not admin:
print("Query requires account of site owner!")
print("Exporting load...")
export(os.path.join(folder,f"device_load_{randomize(sn,'_sn')}.json"), await myapi.request("post", api._API_ENDPOINTS["get_device_load"],json={"site_id": siteId, "device_sn": sn})) # works only for site owners
except Exception as err:
if not admin:
print("Query requires account of site owner!")
print(f"\nCompleted export of Anker Solix system data for user {USER}")
print(f"Folder {os.path.abspath(folder)} contains the randomized JSON files. Pls check and update fields that may contain unrecognized personalized data.")
print(f"Following trace or site IDs, SNs and MAC addresses have been randomized in files (from -> to):")
print(json.dumps(RANDOMDATA, indent=2))
print(f"Folder {os.path.abspath(folder)} contains the JSON files.")
return True
except Exception as err:
print(f'{type(err)}: {err}')
return False
"""run async main"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as err:
print(f'{type(err)}: {err}')