
1734 lines
83 KiB

"""Class for interacting with the Anker Power / Solix API.
Required Python modules:
pip install cryptography
pip install aiohttp
from __future__ import annotations
from base64 import b64encode
import contextlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientError
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, padding, serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from . import errors
_LOGGER: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"""Default definitions required for the Anker Power/Solix Cloud API"""
# API servers per region. Country assignment not clear, defaulting to EU server
"eu": "",
"com": "",
_API_LOGIN = "passport/login"
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Model-Type": "DESKTOP",
"App-Name": "anker_power",
"Os-Type": "android",
"com": [
"eu": [
} # TODO(2): Expand or update list once ID assignments are wrong or missing
"""Following are the Anker Power/Solix Cloud API endpoints known so far"""
"homepage": "power_service/v1/site/get_site_homepage", # Scene info for configured site(s), content as preseneted on App Home Page (mostly empty for shared accounts)
"site_list": "power_service/v1/site/get_site_list", # List of available site ids for the user, will also show sites shared withe the account
"site_detail": "power_service/v1/site/get_site_detail", # Information for given site_id, can also be used by shared accounts
"scene_info": "power_service/v1/site/get_scen_info", # Scene info for provided site id (contains most information as the App home screen, with some but not all device details)
"user_devices": "power_service/v1/site/list_user_devices", # List Device details of owned devices, not all device details information included
"charging_devices": "power_service/v1/site/get_charging_device", # List of Portable Power Station devices?
"get_device_parm": "power_service/v1/site/get_site_device_param", # Get settings of a device for the provided site id and param type (e.g. Schedules)
"set_device_parm": "power_service/v1/site/set_site_device_param", # Apply provided settings to a device for the provided site id and param type (e.g. Schedules), NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
"wifi_list": "power_service/v1/site/get_wifi_info_list", # List of available networks for provided site id
"get_site_price": "power_service/v1/site/get_site_price", # List defined power price and CO2 for given site, works only for site owner account
"update_site_price": "power_service/v1/site/update_site_price", # Update power price for given site, REQUIRED PARAMETERS UNKNOWN
"get_auto_upgrade": "power_service/v1/app/get_auto_upgrade", # List of Auto-Upgrade configuration and enabled devices, onyl works for site owner accout
"set_auto_upgrade": "power_service/v1/app/set_auto_upgrade", # Set/Enable Auto-Upgrade configuration, not implemented yet, REQUIRED PARAMETERS UNKNOWN
"bind_devices": "power_service/v1/app/get_relate_and_bind_devices", # List with details of locally connected/bound devices, includes firmware version, works only for owner account
"get_device_load": "power_service/v1/app/device/get_device_home_load", # Get defined device schedule (same data as provided with device param query)
"set_device_load": "power_service/v1/app/device/set_device_home_load", # Set defined device schedule (Not implemented yet, REQUIRED PARAMETERS UNKNOWN)
"get_ota_info": "power_service/v1/app/compatible/get_ota_info", # Get OTA status for solarbank and/or inverter serials
"get_ota_update": "power_service/v1/app/compatible/get_ota_update", # Not clear what this does, shows some OTA settings
"solar_info": "power_service/v1/app/compatible/get_compatible_solar_info", # Solar inverter definition for solarbanks, works only with owner account
"get_cutoff": "power_service/v1/app/compatible/get_power_cutoff", # Get Power Cutoff settings (Min SOC) for provided site id and device sn, works only with owner account
"set_cutoff": "power_service/v1/app/compatible/set_power_cutoff", # Set Min SOC for device, only works for onwer accounts
"compatible_process": "power_service/v1/app/compatible/get_compatible_process", # contains solar_info plus OTA processing codes, works only with owner account
"get_device_fittings": "power_service/v1/app/get_relate_device_fittings", # Device fittings for given site id and device sn. Solarbank/inverter responses do not contain info
"energy_analysis": "power_service/v1/site/energy_analysis", # Fetch energy data for given time frames
"home_load_chart": "power_service/v1/site/get_home_load_chart", # Fetch data as displayed in home load chart for given site_id and optional device SN (empty if solarbank not connected)
"check_upgrade_record": "power_service/v1/app/check_upgrade_record", # show an upgrade record for the device, types 1-3 show different info, only works for owner account
"get_message": "power_service/v1/get_message", # get list of max Messages from certain time, last_time format unknown
"get_upgrade_record": "power_service/v1/app/get_upgrade_record", # get list of firmware update history
""" Other endpoints neither implemented nor explored:
Structure of the JSON response for an API Login Request:
An unexpired token_id must be used for API request, along with the gtoken which is an MD5 hash of the returned(encrypted) user_id.
The combination of the provided token and MD5 hashed user_id authenticate the client to the server.
The Login Response is cached in a JSON file per email user account and can be reused by this API class without further login request.
ATTENTION: Anker allows only 1 active token on the server per user account. Any login for the same account (e.g. via Anker mobile App) will kickoff the token used in this Api instance and further requests are no longer authorized.
Currently, the Api will re-authenticate automatically and therefore may kick off the other user that obtained the actual access token (e.g. kick out the App user again when used for regular Api requests)
NOTES: Parallel Api instances should use different user accounts. They may work in parallel when all using the same cached authentication data. The first API instance with failed authorization will restart a new Login request and updates
the cached JSON file. Other instances should recognize an update of the cached JSON file and will refresh their login credentials in the instance for the actual token and gtoken without new login request.
"user_id": str,
"email": str,
"nick_name": str,
"auth_token": str,
"token_expires_at": int,
"avatar": str,
"mac_addr": str,
"domain": str,
"ab_code": str,
"token_id": int,
"geo_key": str,
"privilege": int,
"phone": str,
"phone_number": str,
"phone_code": str,
"server_secret_info": {"public_key": str},
"params": list,
"trust_list": list,
"fa_info": {"step": int, "info": str},
"country_code": str,
class SolixDeviceType(Enum):
"""Enumuration for Anker Solix device types."""
SYSTEM = "system"
SOLARBANK = "solarbank"
INVERTER = "inverter"
PPS = "pps"
POWERPANEL = "powerpanel"
class SolixParmType(Enum):
"""Enumuration for Anker Solix Parameter types."""
class SolixDeviceCapacity(Enum):
"""Enumuration for Anker Solix device capacities in Wh by Part Number."""
A17C0 = 1600
class SolixDeviceStatus(Enum):
"""Enumuration for Anker Solix Device status."""
# TODO(3): Add descriptions once status code usage is observed/known
off = "0"
on = "1"
unknown = "unknown"
class SolarbankStatus(Enum):
"""Enumuration for Anker Solix Solarbank status."""
charging = "1"
discharging = "2"
bypass = "3"
bypass_charging = "35" # pseudo state, the solarbank does not distinguish this
charge_priority = "37" # pseudo state, the solarbank does not distinguish this but reports 3 as seen so far
wakeup = "4" # Not clear what happens during this state, but observed short intervals during night as well
# TODO(3): Add descriptions once status code usage is observed/known
# There is also a deep standby / full bypass mode at cold temperatures when the battery cannot be loaded.
# full_bypass = "unknown"
standby = "7"
unknown = "unknown"
class AnkerSolixApi:
"""Define the API class to handle Anker server authentication and API requests, along with the last state of queried site details and Device information."""
def __init__(
email: str,
password: str,
countryId: str,
websession: ClientSession,
) -> None:
self._countryId: str = countryId.upper()
self._api_base: str | None = None
for region, countries in _API_COUNTRIES.items():
if self._countryId in countries:
self._api_base = _API_SERVERS.get(region)
# default to EU server
if not self._api_base:
self._api_base = _API_SERVERS.get("eu")
self._email: str = email
self._password: str = password
self._session: ClientSession = websession
self._loggedIn: bool = False
self._testdir: str = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "examples", "example1"
self._retry_attempt: bool = False # Flag for retry after any token error
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "authcache"), exist_ok=True
) # ensure folder for authentication caching exists
self._authFile: str = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "authcache", f"{email}.json"
) # filename for authentication cache
self._authFileTime: float = 0
# initialize logger for object
if logger:
self._logger = logger
self._logger = _LOGGER
if not self._logger.hasHandlers():
self._timezone: str = (
) # Timezone format: 'GMT+01:00'
self._gtoken: str | None = None
self._token: str | None = None
self._token_expiration: datetime | None = None
self._login_response: dict = {}
self.mask_credentials: bool = True
# Define Encryption for password, using ECDH assymetric key exchange for shared secret calculation, which must be used to encrypt the password using AES-256-CBC with seed of 16
# uncompressed public key from EU Anker server in the format 04 [32 byte x vlaue] [32 byte y value]
# TODO(2): COM Anker server public key usage must still be validated
self._api_public_key_hex = "04c5c00c4f8d1197cc7c3167c52bf7acb054d722f0ef08dcd7e0883236e0d72a3868d9750cb47fa4619248f3d83f0f662671dadc6e2d31c2f41db0161651c7c076"
self._curve = (
) # Encryption curve SECP256R1 (identical to prime256v1)
self._ecdh = ec.generate_private_key(
self._curve, default_backend()
) # returns EllipticCurvePrivateKey
self._public_key = self._ecdh.public_key() # returns EllipticCurvePublicKey
self._shared_key =
self._curve, bytes.fromhex(self._api_public_key_hex)
) # returns bytes of shared secret
# Define class variables saving the most recent site and device data
self.nickname: str = ""
self.sites: dict = {}
self.devices: dict = {}
def _md5(self, text: str) -> str:
h = hashes.Hash(hashes.MD5())
return h.finalize().hex()
def _getTimezoneGMTString(self) -> str:
"""Construct timezone GMT string with offset, e.g. GMT+01:00."""
tzo ="%z")
return f"GMT{tzo[:3]}:{tzo[3:5]}"
def _encryptApiData(self, raw: str) -> str:
"""Return Base64 encoded secret as utf-8 decoded string using the shared secret with seed of 16 for the encryption."""
# Password must be UTF-8 encoded and AES-256-CBC encrypted with block size of 16
aes = Cipher(
encryptor = aes.encryptor()
# Use default PKCS7 padding for incomplete AES blocks
padder = padding.PKCS7(128).padder()
raw_padded = padder.update(raw.encode("utf-8")) + padder.finalize()
return (b64encode(encryptor.update(raw_padded) + encryptor.finalize())).decode(
def mask_values(self, data: dict | str, *args: str) -> dict | str:
"""Mask values in dictionary for provided keys or the given string."""
if self.mask_credentials:
if isinstance(data, str):
datacopy: dict = {"text": data}
args: list = ["text"]
datacopy = data.copy()
for key in args:
if old := datacopy.get(key):
new = ""
for idx in range(0, len(old), 16):
new = new + (
new = new[: len(old)]
datacopy[key] = new
if isinstance(data, str):
return datacopy.get("text")
return datacopy
return data
def _loadFromFile(self, filename: str) -> dict:
"""Load json data from given file for testing."""
if self.mask_credentials:
masked_filename = filename.replace(
self._email, self.mask_values(self._email)
masked_filename = filename
if os.path.isfile(filename):
with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as file:
data = json.load(file)
self._logger.debug("Loaded JSON from file %s:", masked_filename)
"Data: %s",
data, "user_id", "auth_token", "email", "geo_key"
return data
return {}
except OSError as err:
"ERROR: Failed to load JSON from file %s", masked_filename
return {}
def _saveToFile(self, filename: str, data: dict = None) -> bool:
"""Save json data to given file for testing."""
if self.mask_credentials:
masked_filename = filename.replace(
self._email, self.mask_values(self._email)
masked_filename = filename
if not data:
data = {}
with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
json.dump(data, file, indent=2)
self._logger.debug("Saved JSON to file %s:", masked_filename)
return True
except OSError as err:
self._logger.error("ERROR: Failed to save JSON to file %s", masked_filename)
return False
def _update_dev( # noqa: C901
devData: dict,
devType: str = None,
siteId: str = None,
isAdmin: bool = None,
) -> str | None:
"""Update the internal device details dictionary with the given data. The device_sn key must be set in the data dict for the update to be applied.
This method is used to consolidate various device related key values from various requests under a common set of device keys.
sn = devData.get("device_sn")
if sn:
device = self.devices.get(sn, {}) # lookup old device info if any
device.update({"device_sn": str(sn)})
if devType:
device.update({"type": devType.lower()})
if siteId:
device.update({"site_id": str(siteId)})
if isAdmin:
device.update({"is_admin": True})
elif isAdmin is False and device.get("is_admin") is None:
device.update({"is_admin": False})
calc_capacity = False # Flag whether capacity may need recalculation
for key, value in devData.items():
if key in ["product_code", "device_pn"] and value:
device.update({"device_pn": str(value)})
elif key in ["device_name"] and value:
if value != device.get("name", ""):
calc_capacity = True
device.update({"name": str(value)})
elif key in ["alias_name"] and value:
device.update({"alias": str(value)})
elif key in ["device_sw_version"] and value:
device.update({"sw_version": str(value)})
elif key in ["wifi_online"]:
device.update({"wifi_online": bool(value)})
elif key in ["wireless_type"]:
device.update({"wireless_type": str(value)})
elif key in ["wifi_name"] and value:
# wifi_name can be empty in details if device connected, avoid clearing name
device.update({"wifi_name": str(value)})
elif key in ["wifi_signal"]:
device.update({"wifi_signal": str(value)})
elif key in ["bt_ble_mac"] and value:
device.update({"bt_ble_mac": str(value)})
elif key in ["battery_power"] and value:
# This is a percentage value for the battery state of charge, not power
device.update({"battery_soc": str(value)})
elif key in ["charging_power"]:
device.update({"charging_power": str(value)})
elif key in ["photovoltaic_power"]:
device.update({"input_power": str(value)})
elif key in ["output_power"]:
device.update({"output_power": str(value)})
# solarbank info shows the load preset per device, which is identical to device parallel_home_load for 2 solarbanks, or current homeload for single solarbank
elif key in ["set_load_power", "parallel_home_load"] and value:
# Value may include unit, remove unit to have content consistent
device.update({"set_output_power": str(value).replace("W", "")})
# The current_home_load from get_device_load always shows the system wide settings made via the schedule
elif key in ["current_home_load"] and value:
# Value may include unit, remove unit to have content consistent
{"set_system_output_power": str(value).replace("W", "")}
# Value for device home load may be empty for single solarbank, use this setting also for device preset in this case
if not device.get("set_output_power"):
device.update({"set_output_power": str(value).replace("W", "")})
elif key in ["power_unit"]:
device.update({"power_unit": str(value)})
elif key in ["status"]:
device.update({"status": str(value)})
# decode the status into a description
description =
for status in SolixDeviceStatus:
if str(value) == status.value:
description =
device.update({"status_desc": description})
elif key in ["charging_status"]:
device.update({"charging_status": str(value)})
# decode the status into a description
description =
for status in SolarbankStatus:
if str(value) == status.value:
description =
# check if battery charging during bypass and if output during bypass
# NOTE: charging power may be updated after initial device details update
# NOTE: If status is 3=Bypass but nothing goes out, the charge priority is active (e.g. 0 Watt switch)
if (
description ==
and (charge := devData.get("charging_power"))
and (out := devData.get("output_power"))
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
if int(out) == 0:
# Bypass but 0 W output must be active charge priority
description =
elif int(charge) > 0:
# Bypass with output and charge must be bypass charging
description =
device.update({"charging_status_desc": description})
elif key in ["bws_surplus"]:
device.update({"bws_surplus": str(value)})
elif key in ["charge"]:
device.update({"charge": bool(value)})
elif key in ["auto_upgrade"]:
device.update({"auto_upgrade": bool(value)})
elif key in ["power_cutoff"]:
device.update({"power_cutoff": int(value)})
elif key in ["power_cutoff_data"] and value:
device.update({"power_cutoff_data": list(value)})
elif key in ["fittings"]:
# update nested dictionary
if "fittings" in device:
device["fittings"] = dict(value)
elif key in ["solar_info"] and isinstance(value, dict) and value:
# remove unnecessary keys from solar_info
keylist = value.keys()
for key in [
for x in ("brand_id", "model_img", "version", "ota_status")
if x in keylist
device.update({"solar_info": dict(value)})
# schedule is currently a site wide setting. However, we save this with device details to retain info across site updates
# When individual device schedules are support in future, this info is needed per device anyway
elif key in ["schedule"] and isinstance(value, dict) and value:
device.update({"schedule": dict(value)})
# inverter specific keys
elif key in ["generate_power"]:
device.update({"generate_power": str(value)})
# generate extra values when certain conditions are met
if key in ["battery_power"] or calc_capacity:
# generate battery values when soc updated or device name changed or PN is known
if not (cap := device.get("battery_capacity")):
if getattr(SolixDeviceCapacity, device.get("device_pn", "")):
# get battery capacity from known PNs
cap = SolixDeviceCapacity[device.get("device_pn", "")].value
elif device.get("type") == SolixDeviceType.SOLARBANK.value:
# Derive battery capacity in Wh from latest solarbank name or alias if available
cap = (
device.get("name", "")
or devData.get("device_name", "")
or device.get("alias", "")
).replace("Solarbank E", "")
soc = devData.get("battery_power", "") or device.get(
"battery_soc", ""
# Calculate remaining energy in Wh and add values
if cap and soc and str(cap).isdigit() and str(soc).isdigit():
"battery_capacity": str(cap),
"battery_energy": str(int(int(cap) * int(soc) / 100)),
self.devices.update({str(sn): device})
return sn
def testDir(self, subfolder: str = None) -> str:
"""Get or set the subfolder for local API test files."""
if not subfolder or subfolder == self._testdir:
return self._testdir
if not os.path.isdir(subfolder):
self._logger.error("Specified test folder does not exist: %s", subfolder)
self._testdir = subfolder"Set Api test folder to: %s", subfolder)
return self._testdir
def logLevel(self, level: int = None) -> int:
"""Get or set the logger log level."""
if level:
self._logger.setLevel(level)"Set log level to: %s", level)
return self._logger.getEffectiveLevel()
async def async_authenticate(self, restart: bool = False) -> bool:
"""Authenticate with server and get an access token. If restart is not enforced, cached login data may be used to obtain previous token."""
if restart:
self._token = None
self._token_expiration = None
self._gtoken = None
self._loggedIn = False
self._authFileTime = 0
self.nickname = ""
if os.path.isfile(self._authFile):
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
# First check if cached login response is availble and login params can be filled, otherwise query server for new login tokens
if os.path.isfile(self._authFile):
data = self._loadFromFile(self._authFile)
self._authFileTime = os.path.getmtime(self._authFile)
"Cached Login for %s from %s:",
self.mask_values(data, "user_id", "auth_token", "email", "geo_key"),
self._retry_attempt = (
False # clear retry attempt to allow retry for authentication refresh
self._logger.debug("Fetching new Login credentials from server")
now =
self._retry_attempt = (
True # set retry attempt to avoid retry on failed authentication
auth_resp = await self.request(
"ab": self._countryId,
"client_secret_info": {
"public_key": self._public_key.public_bytes(
).hex() # Uncompressed format of points in hex (0x04 + 32 Byte + 32 Byte)
"enc": 0,
"email": self._email,
"password": self._encryptApiData(
), # AES-256-CBC encrypted by the ECDH shared key derived from server public key and local private key
"time_zone": round(
datetime.utcoffset(now).total_seconds() * 1000
), # timezone offset in ms, e.g. 'GMT+01:00' => 3600000
"transaction": str(
int(time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000)
), # Unix Timestamp in ms as string
data = auth_resp.get("data", {})
"Login Response: %s",
self.mask_values(data, "user_id", "auth_token", "email", "geo_key"),
self._loggedIn = True
# Cache login response in file for reuse
with open(self._authFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as authfile:
json.dump(data, authfile, indent=2, skipkeys=True)
self._logger.debug("Response cached in file: %s", self._authFile)
self._authFileTime = os.path.getmtime(self._authFile)
# Update the login params
self._login_response = {}
self._token = data.get("auth_token")
self.nickname = data.get("nick_name")
if data.get("token_expires_at"):
self._token_expiration = datetime.fromtimestamp(
self._token_expiration = None
self._loggedIn = False
if data.get("user_id"):
self._gtoken = self._md5(
) # gtoken is MD5 hash of user_id from login response
self._gtoken = None
self._loggedIn = False
return self._loggedIn
async def request(
method: str,
endpoint: str,
headers: dict | None = None,
json: dict | None = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
) -> dict:
"""Handle all requests to the API. This is also called recursively by login requests if necessary."""
if not headers:
headers = {}
if not json:
data = {}
if (
and (self._token_expiration - < 60
self._logger.warning("WARNING: Access token expired, fetching a new one")
await self.async_authenticate(restart=True)
# For non-Login requests, ensure authentication will be updated if not logged in yet or cached file was refreshed
if endpoint != _API_LOGIN and (
not self._loggedIn
or (
and self._authFileTime != os.path.getmtime(self._authFile)
await self.async_authenticate()
url: str = f"{self._api_base}/{endpoint}"
mergedHeaders = _API_HEADERS
if self._countryId:
mergedHeaders.update({"Country": self._countryId})
if self._timezone:
mergedHeaders.update({"Timezone": self._timezone})
if self._token:
mergedHeaders.update({"x-auth-token": self._token})
mergedHeaders.update({"gtoken": self._gtoken})
self._logger.debug("Request Url: %s %s", method.upper(), url)
"Request Headers: %s",
self.mask_values(mergedHeaders, "x-auth-token", "gtoken"),
if endpoint == _API_LOGIN:
"Request Body: %s",
self.mask_values(json, "user_id", "auth_token", "email", "geo_key"),
self._logger.debug("Request Body: %s", json)
body_text = ""
async with self._session.request(
method, url, headers=mergedHeaders, json=json
) as resp:
# get first the body text for usage in error detail logging if necessary
body_text = await resp.text()
data: dict = await resp.json(content_type=None)
if endpoint == _API_LOGIN:
"Request Response: %s",
data, "user_id", "auth_token", "email", "geo_key"
self._logger.debug("Request Response: %s", data)
if not data:
self._logger.error("Response Text: %s", body_text)
raise ClientError(f"No data response while requesting {endpoint}")
errors.raise_error(data) # check the response code in the data
if endpoint != _API_LOGIN:
self._retry_attempt = False # reset retry flag only when valid token received and not another login request
# valid response at this point, mark login and return data
self._loggedIn = True
return data
except (
) as err: # Exception from ClientSession based on standard response codes
self._logger.error("Request Error: %s", err)
self._logger.error("Response Text: %s", body_text)
if "401" in str(err) or "403" in str(err):
# Unauthorized or forbidden request
if self._retry_attempt:
raise errors.AuthorizationError(
f"Login failed for user {self._email}"
) from err
self._logger.warning("Login failed, retrying authentication")
if await self.async_authenticate(restart=True):
return await self.request(
method, endpoint, headers=headers, json=json
self._logger.error("Login failed for user %s", self._email)
raise errors.AuthorizationError(
f"Login failed for user {self._email}"
) from err
raise ClientError(
f"There was an error while requesting {endpoint}: {err}"
) from err
except (
) as err: # Exception for API specific response codes
self._logger.error("API ERROR: %s", err)
self._logger.error("Response Text: %s", body_text)
if self._retry_attempt:
raise errors.AuthorizationError(
f"Login failed for user {self._email}"
) from err
self._logger.warning("Login failed, retrying authentication")
if await self.async_authenticate(restart=True):
return await self.request(
method, endpoint, headers=headers, json=json
self._logger.error("Login failed for user %s", self._email)
raise errors.AuthorizationError(
f"Login failed for user {self._email}"
) from err
except errors.AnkerSolixError as err: # Other Exception from API
self._logger.error("ANKER API ERROR: %s", err)
self._logger.error("Response Text: %s", body_text)
raise err
async def update_sites(self, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get the latest info for all accessible sites and update class site and device variables.
Example data:
{'site_info': {'site_id': 'efaca6b5-f4a0-e82e-3b2e-6b9cf90ded8c', 'site_name': 'BKW', 'site_img': '', 'device_type_list': [3], 'ms_type': 1, 'power_site_type': 2, 'is_allow_delete': True},
'site_admin': True,
'home_info': {'home_name': 'Home', 'home_img': '', 'charging_power': '0.00', 'power_unit': 'W'},
'solar_list': [],
'pps_info': {'pps_list': [], 'total_charging_power': '0.00', 'power_unit': 'W', 'total_battery_power': '0.00', 'updated_time': '', 'pps_status': 0},
'statistics': [{'type': '1', 'total': '89.75', 'unit': 'kwh'}, {'type': '2', 'total': '89.48', 'unit': 'kg'}, {'type': '3', 'total': '35.90', 'unit': ''}],
'topology_type': '1',
'solarbank_info': {'solarbank_list': [{'device_pn': 'A17C0', 'device_sn': '9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY', 'device_name': 'Solarbank E1600',
'device_img': '',
'battery_power': '75', 'bind_site_status': '', 'charging_power': '0', 'power_unit': 'W', 'charging_status': '2', 'status': '0', 'wireless_type': '1', 'main_version': '', 'photovoltaic_power': '0',
'output_power': '0', 'create_time': 1695392386, 'set_load_power': ''}],
'total_charging_power': '0', 'power_unit': 'W', 'charging_status': '0', 'total_battery_power': '0.00', 'updated_time': '2023-12-28 18:53:27', 'total_photovoltaic_power': '0', 'total_output_power': '0.00',
'display_set_power': False},
'retain_load': '0W',
'updated_time': '01-01-0001 00:00:00',
'power_site_type': 2,
'site_id': 'efaca6b5-f4a0-e82e-3b2e-6b9cf90ded8c',
'powerpanel_list': []}}
self._logger.debug("Updating Sites data")
self.sites = {}
self._logger.debug("Getting site list")
sites = await self.get_site_list(fromFile=fromFile)
act_devices = []
for site in sites.get("site_list", []):
if site.get("site_id"):
# Update site info
myid = site.get("site_id")
mysite = self.sites.get(myid, {})
siteInfo = mysite.get("site_info", {})
{"type": SolixDeviceType.SYSTEM.value, "site_info": siteInfo}
admin = (
siteInfo.get("ms_type", 0) in [0, 1]
) # add boolean key to indicate whether user is site admin (ms_type 1 or not known) and can query device details
mysite.update({"site_admin": admin})
# Update scene info for site
self._logger.debug("Getting scene info for site")
scene = await self.get_scene_info(myid, fromFile=fromFile)
self.sites.update({myid: mysite})
# Update device details from scene info
sb_total_charge = (mysite.get("solarbank_info", {})).get(
"total_charging_power", ""
sb_total_output = (mysite.get("solarbank_info", {})).get(
"total_output_power", ""
sb_total_solar = (mysite.get("solarbank_info", {})).get(
"total_photovoltaic_power", ""
sb_total_charge_calc = 0
sb_charges = {}
sb_list = (mysite.get("solarbank_info", {})).get("solarbank_list", [])
for index, solarbank in enumerate(sb_list):
# work around for device_name which is actually the device_alias in scene info
if "device_name" in solarbank:
# modify only a copy of the device dict to prevent changing the scene info dict
solarbank = dict(solarbank).copy()
solarbank.update({"alias_name": solarbank.pop("device_name")})
# work around for system and device output presets, which are not set correctly and cannot be queried with load schedule for shared accounts
if not solarbank.get("set_load_power"):
total_preset = str(mysite.get("retain_load", "")).replace(
"W", ""
if total_preset.isdigit():
"set_load_power": f"{(int(total_preset)/len(sb_list)):.0f}",
"current_home_load": total_preset,
# Work around for weird charging power fields in SB totals and device list: They have same names, but completely different usage
# SB total charging power shows only power into the battery. At this time, charging power in device list seems to reflect the output power. This is seen for status 3
# SB total charging power show 0 when discharging, but then device charging power shows correct value. This is seen for status 2
# Conclusion: SB total charging power is correct total power INTO the batteries. When discharging it is 0
# Device list charging power is ONLY correct power OUT of the batteries. When charging it is 0 or shows the output power.
# Need to simplify this per device details and SB totals, will use positive value on both for charging power and negative for discharging power
# calculate estimate based on total for proportional split across available solarbanks and their calculated charge power
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
charge_calc = 0
power_in = int(solarbank.get("photovoltaic_power", ""))
power_out = int(solarbank.get("output_power", ""))
# power_charge = int(solarbank.get("charging_power", "")) # This value seems to reflect the output power, which is corect for status 2, but may be wrong for other states
charge_calc = power_in - power_out
solarbank["charging_power"] = str(charge_calc) # allow negative values
sb_total_charge_calc += charge_calc
mysite["solarbank_info"]["solarbank_list"][index] = solarbank
self.sites.update({myid: mysite})
sn = self._update_dev(
if sn:
sb_charges[sn] = charge_calc
# adjust calculated SB charge to match total
if len(sb_charges) == len(sb_list) and str(sb_total_charge).isdigit():
sb_total_charge = int(sb_total_charge)
if sb_total_charge_calc < 0:
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
# discharging, adjust sb total charge value in scene info and allow negativ value to indicate discharge
sb_total_charge = float(sb_total_solar) - float(sb_total_output)
mysite["solarbank_info"]["total_charging_power"] = str(sb_total_charge)
for sn, charge in sb_charges.items():
self.devices[sn]["charging_power"] = str(
if sb_total_charge_calc == 0
else int(sb_total_charge / sb_total_charge_calc * charge)
# Update also the charge status description which may change after charging power correction
charge_status = self.devices[sn].get("charging_status")
if charge_status == SolarbankStatus.bypass:
"device_sn": sn,
"charging_status": charge_status,
# make sure to write back any changes to the solarbank info in sites dict
self.sites.update({myid: mysite})
for pps in (mysite.get("pps_info", {})).get("pps_list", []):
# work around for device_name which is actually the device_alias in scene info
if "device_name" in pps:
# modify only a copy of the device dict to prevent changing the scene info dict
pps = dict(pps).copy()
pps.update({"alias_name": pps.pop("device_name")})
sn = self._update_dev(
if sn:
for solar in mysite.get("solar_list", []):
# work around for device_name which is actually the device_alias in scene info
if "device_name" in solar:
# modify only a copy of the device dict to prevent changing the scene info dict
solar = dict(solar).copy()
solar.update({"alias_name": solar.pop("device_name")})
sn = self._update_dev(
if sn:
for powerpanel in mysite.get("powerpanel_list", []):
# work around for device_name which is actually the device_alias in scene info
if "device_name" in powerpanel:
# modify only a copy of the device dict to prevent changing the scene info dict
powerpanel = dict(powerpanel).copy()
powerpanel.update({"alias_name": powerpanel.pop("device_name")})
sn = self._update_dev(
if sn:
# recycle device list and remove devices no longer used in sites
rem_devices = [dev for dev in self.devices if dev not in act_devices]
for dev in rem_devices:
return self.sites
async def update_device_details(self, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get the latest updates for additional device info updated less frequently.
Most of theses requests return data only when user has admin rights for sites owning the devices.
To limit API requests, this update device details method should be called less frequently than update site method, which will also update most device details as found in the site data response.
self._logger.debug("Updating Device Details")
# Fetch firmware version of device
self._logger.debug("Getting bind devices")
await self.get_bind_devices(fromFile=fromFile)
# Get the setting for effective automated FW upgrades
self._logger.debug("Getting OTA settings")
await self.get_auto_upgrade(fromFile=fromFile)
# Fetch other relevant device information that requires site id and/or SN
site_wifi: dict[str, list[dict | None]] = {}
for sn, device in self.devices.items():
site_id = device.get("site_id", "")
dev_Type = device.get("type", "")
# Fetch details that only work for site admins
if device.get("is_admin", False) and site_id:
# Fetch wifi networks and signal strength and map to usage of device
if wifi_index := device.get("wireless_type", ""):
"Getting wifi list of site for mapping to device"
if str(wifi_index).isdigit():
wifi_index = int(wifi_index)
wifi_index = 0
# fetch site wifi list if not queried yet
if site_id not in site_wifi:
site_wifi[site_id] = (
await self.get_wifi_list(siteId=site_id, fromFile=fromFile)
).get("wifi_info_list") or []
wifi_list = site_wifi.get(site_id, [{}])
if 0 < wifi_index <= len(wifi_list):
device.update(wifi_list[wifi_index - 1])
# Fetch device type specific details
if dev_Type in [SolixDeviceType.SOLARBANK.value]:
# Fetch active Power Cutoff setting for solarbanks
self._logger.debug("Getting Power Cutoff settings for device")
await self.get_power_cutoff(
siteId=site_id, deviceSn=sn, fromFile=fromFile
# Fetch defined inverter details for solarbanks
self._logger.debug("Getting inverter settings for device")
await self.get_solar_info(solarbankSn=sn, fromFile=fromFile)
# Fetch schedule for device types supporting it
self._logger.debug("Getting schedule details for device")
await self.get_device_load(
siteId=site_id, deviceSn=sn, fromFile=fromFile
# Fetch device fittings for device types supporting it
self._logger.debug("Getting fittings for device")
await self.get_device_fittings(
siteId=site_id, deviceSn=sn, fromFile=fromFile
# update entry in devices
self.devices.update({sn: device})
# TODO(#0): Fetch other details of specific device types as known and relevant
return self.devices
async def get_site_list(self, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get the site list.
Example data:
{'site_list': [{'site_id': 'efaca6b5-f4a0-e82e-3b2e-6b9cf90ded8c', 'site_name': 'BKW', 'site_img': '', 'device_type_list': [3], 'ms_type': 2, 'power_site_type': 2, 'is_allow_delete': True}]}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(os.path.join(self._testdir, "site_list.json"))
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["site_list"])
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_scene_info(self, siteId: str, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get scene info. This can be queried for each siteId listed in the homepage info site_list. It shows also data for accounts that are only site members.
Example data for provided site_id:
[{"device_pn":"A17C0","device_sn":"9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY","device_name":"Solarbank E1600",
"total_charging_power":"0","power_unit":"W","charging_status":"0","total_battery_power":"0.00","updated_time":"2023-12-28 18:53:27","total_photovoltaic_power":"0","total_output_power":"0.00"},
"retain_load":"0W","updated_time":"01-01-0001 00:00:00","power_site_type":2,"site_id":"efaca6b5-f4a0-e82e-3b2e-6b9cf90ded8c"}
data = {"site_id": siteId}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"scene_{siteId}.json")
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["scene_info"], json=data)
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_homepage(self, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get the latest homepage info.
NOTE: This returns only data if the site is owned by the account. No data returned for site member accounts
Example data:
"solarbank_list":[{"device_pn":"","device_sn":"9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY","device_name":"Solarbank E1600",
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(os.path.join(self._testdir, "homepage.json"))
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["homepage"])
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_bind_devices(self, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get the bind device information, contains firmware level of devices.
Example data:
{"data": [{"device_sn":"9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY","product_code":"A17C0","bt_ble_id":"BC:A2:AF:C7:55:F9","bt_ble_mac":"BCA2AFC755F9","device_name":"Solarbank E1600","alias_name":"Solarbank E1600",
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(os.path.join(self._testdir, "bind_devices.json"))
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["bind_devices"])
data = resp.get("data", {})
for device in data.get("data", []):
return data
async def get_user_devices(self, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get device details of all devices owned by user.
Example data: (Information is mostly empty when device is bound to site)
{'solar_list': [], 'pps_list': [], 'solarbank_list': [{'device_pn': 'A17C0', 'device_sn': '9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY', 'device_name': 'Solarbank E1600',
'device_img': '',
'battery_power': '', 'bind_site_status': '1', 'charging_power': '', 'power_unit': '', 'charging_status': '', 'status': '', 'wireless_type': '1', 'main_version': '',
'photovoltaic_power': '', 'output_power': '', 'create_time': 0}]}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(os.path.join(self._testdir, "user_devices.json"))
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["user_devices"])
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_charging_devices(self, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get the charging devices (Power stations?).
Example data:
{'device_list': None, 'guide_txt': ''}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, "charging_devices.json")
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["charging_devices"])
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_solar_info(self, solarbankSn: str, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get the solar info that is condigured for a solarbank.
Example data:
{"brand_id": "3a9930f5-74ef-4e41-a797-04e6b33d3f0f","solar_brand": "ANKER","solar_model": "A5140","solar_sn": "","solar_model_name": "MI60 Microinverter"}
data = {"solarbank_sn": solarbankSn}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"solar_info_{solarbankSn}.json")
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["solar_info"], json=data)
data = resp.get("data", {})
if data:
self._update_dev({"device_sn": solarbankSn, "solar_info": data})
return data
async def get_compatible_info(
self, solarbankSn: str, fromFile: bool = False
) -> dict:
"""Get the solar info and OTA processing info for a solarbank.
Example data:
{"ota_complete_status": 2,"process_skip_type": 1,"solar_info": {
"solar_sn": "","solar_brand": "ANKER","solar_model": "A5140","brand_id": "3a9930f5-74ef-4e41-a797-04e6b33d3f0f",
"model_img": "",
"version": "","ota_status": 1,"solar_model_name": "MI60 Microinverter"}
data = {"solarbank_sn": solarbankSn}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"compatible_process_{solarbankSn}.json")
resp = await self.request(
"post", _API_ENDPOINTS["compatible_process"], json=data
data = resp.get("data", {})
if info := data.get("solar_info", {}):
self._update_dev({"device_sn": solarbankSn, "solar_info": info})
return data
async def get_auto_upgrade(self, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get auto upgrade settings and devices enabled for auto upgrade.
Example data:
{'main_switch': True, 'device_list': [{'device_sn': '9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY', 'device_name': 'Solarbank E1600', 'auto_upgrade': True, 'alias_name': 'Solarbank E1600',
'icon': ''}]}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(os.path.join(self._testdir, "auto_upgrade.json"))
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["get_auto_upgrade"])
data = resp.get("data", {})
main = data.get("main_switch")
devicelist = data.get("device_list", []) # could be null for non owning account
if not devicelist:
devicelist = []
for device in devicelist:
dev_ota = device.get("auto_upgrade")
if isinstance(dev_ota, bool):
# update device setting based on main setting if available
if isinstance(main, bool):
device.update({"auto_upgrade": main and dev_ota})
return data
async def set_auto_upgrade(self, devices: dict[str, bool]) -> bool:
"""Set auto upgrade switches for given device dictonary.
Example input:
devices = {'9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY': True}
The main switch must be set True if any device switch is set True. The main switch does not need to be changed to False if no device is True.
But if main switch is set to False, all devices will automatically be set to False and individual setting is ignored by Api.
# get actual settings
settings = await self.get_auto_upgrade()
if (main_switch := settings.get("main_switch")) is None:
return False
dev_switches = {}
main = None
change_list = []
for dev_setting in settings.get("device_list") or []:
if (
isinstance(dev_setting, dict)
and (device_sn := dev_setting.get("device_sn"))
and (dev_upgrade := dev_setting.get("auto_upgrade")) is not None
dev_switches[device_sn] = dev_upgrade
# Loop through provided device list and compose the request data device list that needs to be send
for sn, upgrade in devices.items():
if sn in dev_switches:
if upgrade != dev_switches[sn]:
change_list.append({"device_sn": sn, "auto_upgrade": upgrade})
if upgrade:
main = True
if change_list:
# json example for endpoint
# {"main_switch": False, "device_list": [{"device_sn": "9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY","auto_upgrade": True}]}
data = {
"main_switch": main if main is not None else main_switch,
"device_list": change_list,
# Make the Api call and check for return code
code = (
await self.request(
"post", _API_ENDPOINTS["set_auto_upgrade"], json=data
if not isinstance(code, int) or int(code) != 0:
return False
# update the data in api dict
await self.get_auto_upgrade()
return True
async def get_wifi_list(self, siteId: str, fromFile: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Get the wifi list.
Example data:
{'wifi_info_list': [{'wifi_name': 'wifi-network-1', 'wifi_signal': '100'}]}
data = {"site_id": siteId}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"wifi_list_{siteId}.json")
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["wifi_list"], json=data)
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_power_cutoff(
self, deviceSn: str, siteId: str = "", fromFile: bool = False
) -> dict:
"""Get power cut off settings.
Example data:
{'power_cutoff_data': [
{'id': 1, 'is_selected': 1, 'output_cutoff_data': 10, 'lowpower_input_data': 5, 'input_cutoff_data': 10},
{'id': 2, 'is_selected': 0, 'output_cutoff_data': 5, 'lowpower_input_data': 4, 'input_cutoff_data': 5}]}
data = {"site_id": siteId, "device_sn": deviceSn}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"power_cutoff_{deviceSn}.json")
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["get_cutoff"], json=data)
data = resp.get("data", {})
# add whole list to device details to provide option selection capabilities
details = {
"device_sn": deviceSn,
"power_cutoff_data": data.get("power_cutoff_data") or [],
for setting in data.get("power_cutoff_data") or []:
if (
int(setting.get("is_selected", 0)) > 0
and int(setting.get("output_cutoff_data", 0)) > 0
"power_cutoff": int(setting.get("output_cutoff_data")),
return data
async def set_power_cutoff(self, deviceSn: str, setId: int) -> bool:
"""Set power cut off settings.
Example input:
{'device_sn': '9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY', 'cutoff_data_id': 1}
The id must be one of the ids listed with the get_power_cutoff endpoint
data = {
"device_sn": deviceSn,
"cutoff_data_id": setId,
# Make the Api call and check for return code
code = (
await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["set_cutoff"], json=data)
if not isinstance(code, int) or int(code) != 0:
return False
# update the data in api dict
await self.get_power_cutoff(deviceSn=deviceSn)
return True
async def get_device_load(
self, siteId: str, deviceSn: str, fromFile: bool = False
) -> dict:
r"""Get device load settings.
Example data:
{"site_id": "efaca6b5-f4a0-e82e-3b2e-6b9cf90ded8c",
"home_load_data": "{\"ranges\":[
"current_home_load": "300W","parallel_home_load": "","parallel_display": false}
data = {"site_id": siteId, "device_sn": deviceSn}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"device_load_{deviceSn}.json")
resp = await self.request(
"post", _API_ENDPOINTS["get_device_load"], json=data
# API Bug? home_load_data provided as string instead of object...Convert into object for proper handling
string_data = (resp.get("data") or {}).get("home_load_data") or {}
if isinstance(string_data, str):
resp["data"].update({"home_load_data": json.loads(string_data)})
data = resp.get("data") or {}
if schedule := data.get("home_load_data") or {}:
"device_sn": deviceSn,
"schedule": schedule,
"current_home_load": data.get("current_home_load") or "",
"parallel_home_load": data.get("parallel_home_load") or "",
return data
async def get_device_parm(
siteId: str,
paramType: str = SolixParmType.SOLARBANK_SCHEDULE.value,
fromFile: bool = False,
) -> dict:
r"""Get device parameters (e.g. solarbank schedule). This can be queried for each siteId listed in the homepage info site_list. The paramType is always 4, but can be modified if necessary.
Example data for provided site_id:
{"param_data": "{\"ranges\":[
data = {"site_id": siteId, "param_type": paramType}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"device_parm_{siteId}.json")
resp = await self.request(
"post", _API_ENDPOINTS["get_device_parm"], json=data
# API Bug? param_data provided as string instead of object...Convert into object for proper handling
string_data = (resp.get("data", {})).get("param_data", {})
if isinstance(string_data, str):
resp["data"].update({"param_data": json.loads(string_data)})
return resp.get("data", {})
async def set_device_parm(
siteId: str,
paramData: dict,
paramType: str = SolixParmType.SOLARBANK_SCHEDULE.value,
command: int = 17,
toFile: bool = False,
) -> dict:
"""Set device parameters (e.g. solarbank schedule).
command: Must be 17 for solarbank schedule.
paramType: was always string "4"
Example paramData:
data = {
"site_id": siteId,
"param_type": paramType,
"cmd": command,
"param_data": json.dumps(paramData),
if toFile:
resp = self._saveToFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"set_device_parm_{siteId}.json"), data=data
resp = await self.request(
"post", _API_ENDPOINTS["set_device_parm"], json=data
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_device_fittings(
self, siteId: str, deviceSn: str, fromFile: bool = False
) -> dict:
r"""Get device fittings.
Example data:
{"data": [{
"device_sn": "ZDL32D6A3HKXUTN1","product_code": "A17Y0","device_name": "E1600 0W Output Switch","alias_name": "E1600 0W Output Switch",
"img_url": "",
"bt_ble_id": "","bt_ble_mac": "FC1CEA253CDB","link_time": 1707127936
data = {"site_id": siteId, "device_sn": deviceSn}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"device_fittings_{deviceSn}.json")
resp = await self.request(
"post", _API_ENDPOINTS["get_device_fittings"], json=data
data = resp.get("data") or {}
# update devices dict with new fittings data
fittings = {}
for fitting in [
for x in data.get("data") or []
if isinstance(x, dict) and x.get("device_sn")
# remove unnecessary keys from fitting device
keylist = fitting.keys()
for key in [
x for x in ("img_url", "bt_ble_id", "link_time") if x in keylist
fittings[fitting.get("device_sn")] = fitting
self._update_dev({"device_sn": deviceSn, "fittings": fittings})
return data
async def get_ota_info(
self, solarbankSn: str = "", inverterSn: str = "", fromFile: bool = False
) -> dict:
"""Get the solar info and OTA processing info for a solarbank.
Example data:
{"ota_status": 3,"current_version": "EZ1 2.0.5","timestamp": 1708277846,"version_type": 3}
data = {"solar_bank_sn": solarbankSn, "solar_sn": inverterSn}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
self._testdir, f"ota_info_{solarbankSn or inverterSn}.json"
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["get_ota_info"], json=data)
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_ota_update(
self, deviceSn: str, insertSn: str = "", fromFile: bool = False
) -> dict:
"""Usage not Clear, process OTA update with confirmation in insertSn?.
Example data:
{"is_ota_update": true,"need_retry": true,"retry_interval": 2000,"device_list": null}
data = {"device_sn": deviceSn, "insert_sn": insertSn}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"ota_update_{deviceSn}.json")
resp = await self.request(
"post", _API_ENDPOINTS["get_ota_update"], json=data
return resp.get("data", {})
async def get_upgrade_record(
self, recordType: int = 2, fromFile: bool = False
) -> dict:
"""Get upgrade record, shows device updates with their last version. Type 0-3 work.
Example data:
{"is_record": true,"device_list": [{
"device_sn": "9JVB42LJK8J0P5RY","device_name": "","icon": "","last_version": "v1.4.4","device_pn": ""}
data = {"type": recordType}
if fromFile:
resp = self._loadFromFile(
os.path.join(self._testdir, f"upgrade_record_{recordType}.json")
resp = await self.request(
"post", _API_ENDPOINTS["check_upgrade_record"], json=data
return resp.get("data", {})
async def energy_analysis(
siteId: str,
deviceSn: str,
rangeType: str = None,
startDay: datetime = None,
endDay: datetime = None,
devType: str = None,
) -> dict:
"""Fetch Energy data for given device and optional time frame.
siteId: site ID of device
deviceSn: Device to fetch data
rangeType: "day" | "week" | "year"
startTime: optional start Date and time
endTime: optional end Date and time
devType: "solar_production" | "solarbank"
Example Data for solar_production:
{'power': [{'time': '2023-10-01', 'value': '3.67'}, {'time': '2023-10-02', 'value': '3.29'}, {'time': '2023-10-03', 'value': '0.55'}],
'charge_trend': None, 'charge_level': [], 'power_unit': 'wh', 'charge_total': '3.67', 'charge_unit': 'kwh', 'discharge_total': '3.11', 'discharge_unit': 'kwh',
'charging_pre': '0.49', 'electricity_pre': '0.51', 'others_pre': '0',
'statistics': [{'type': '1', 'total': '7.51', 'unit': 'kwh'}, {'type': '2', 'total': '7.49', 'unit': 'kg'}, {'type': '3', 'total': '3.00', 'unit': ''}]}
data = {
"site_id": siteId,
"device_sn": deviceSn,
"type": rangeType if rangeType in ["day", "week", "year"] else "day",
"start_time": startDay.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
if startDay
"device_type": devType
if devType in ["solar_production", "solarbank"]
else "solar_production",
"end_time": endDay.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if endDay else "",
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["energy_analysis"], json=data)
return resp.get("data", {})
async def energy_daily(
siteId: str,
deviceSn: str,
startDay: datetime =,
numDays: int = 1,
dayTotals: bool = False,
) -> dict:
"""Fetch daily Energy data for given interval and provide it in a table format dictionary.
{"2023-09-29": {"date": "2023-09-29", "solar_production": "1.21", "solarbank_discharge": "0.47", "solarbank_charge": "0.56"},
"2023-09-30": {"date": "2023-09-30", "solar_production": "3.07", "solarbank_discharge": "1.06", "solarbank_charge": "1.39"}}
""" # noqa: D413
table = {}
today =
# check daily range and limit to 1 year max and avoid future days
if startDay > today:
startDay = today
numDays = 1
elif (startDay + timedelta(days=numDays)) > today:
numDays = (today - startDay).days + 1
numDays = min(366, max(1, numDays))
# first get solar production
resp = await self.energy_analysis(
endDay=startDay + timedelta(days=numDays - 1),
for item in resp.get("power", []):
daystr = item.get("time", None)
if daystr:
daystr: {
"date": daystr,
"solar_production": item.get("value", ""),
# Add solarbank discharge
resp = await self.energy_analysis(
endDay=startDay + timedelta(days=numDays - 1),
for item in resp.get("power", []):
daystr = item.get("time", None)
if daystr:
entry = table.get(daystr, {})
{"date": daystr, "solarbank_discharge": item.get("value", "")}
table.update({daystr: entry})
# Solarbank charge is only received as total value for given interval. If requested, make daily queries for given interval with some delay
if dayTotals:
if numDays == 1:
daystr = startDay.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
entry = table.get(daystr, {})
{"date": daystr, "solarbank_charge": resp.get("charge_total", "")}
table.update({daystr: entry})
daylist = [startDay + timedelta(days=x) for x in range(numDays)]
for day in daylist:
daystr = day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
if day != daylist[0]:
time.sleep(1) # delay to avoid hammering API
resp = await self.energy_analysis(
entry = table.get(daystr, {})
"date": daystr,
"solarbank_charge": resp.get("charge_total", ""),
table.update({daystr: entry})
return table
async def home_load_chart(self, siteId: str, deviceSn: str = None) -> dict:
"""Get home load chart data.
Example data:
{"data": []}
data = {"site_id": siteId}
if deviceSn:
data.update({"device_sn": deviceSn})
resp = await self.request("post", _API_ENDPOINTS["home_load_chart"], json=data)
return resp.get("data", {})