Update .toc 90005, zz2

This commit is contained in:
rilgamon 2021-03-23 10:41:28 +01:00
parent 8f131726fc
commit 94b5ea2836
8 changed files with 231 additions and 537 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
[submodule "Common"]
path = Common
url = https://git.grml.de/rilgamon/Common.git


@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit a4f1483ece050607772176aed8b46a565df60458

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@ -1,339 +1,40 @@
local name, addon = ... local addonName, addon = ...
local parentName = addon['parentName'] or "BrokerPack" local childName = addon['childName']
local childName = "zz_Infoclock" local child = addon[childName]
local replaces = { local events = child['events']
['Sunday'] = true, local db
['Monday'] = true, local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(childName, true)
['Tuesday'] = true, local defcolor = "ffffff"
['Wednesday'] = true, LibStub("zzHelper"):Embed(child)
['Thursday'] = true, local function prepareDB()
['Friday'] = true, db = addon['db']['profile'][childName]
['Saturday'] = true, child['db'] = db
['January'] = true, addon['callbacks']:Fire(format("Init%s", childName))
['February'] = true, end
['March'] = true, child['specs'] = {
['April'] = true, ['name'] = childName,
['May'] = true, ['sv'] = true,
['June'] = true, ['cfg'] = true,
['July'] = true, ['cfgReset'] = prepareDB,
['August'] = true, ['ldb'] = child['ldb'],
['September'] = true, ['defaults'] = {
['October'] = true, ['profile'] = {
['November'] = true, [childName] = {
['December'] = true, ["showClock"] = true,
} ["showLatency"] = true,
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(childName, true) ["showFPS"] = true,
local defcolor = "ffffff" ["update"] = 2,
local defaults = { ["clockstring"] = "%H:%M",
["showClock"] = true, ["datestring"] = "%A, %d.%B",
["showLatency"] = true, ["latencystring"] = "%world ms",
["showFPS"] = true, ["fpsstring"] = "%fps "..L['FPS'],
["update"] = 2, ["ldbstring"] = "%clock %latency %fps",
["clockstring"] = "%H:%M", ['datecolor'] = defcolor,
["datestring"] = "%A, %d.%B", ['fpscolor'] = defcolor,
["latencystring"] = "%world ms", ['clockcolor'] = defcolor,
["fpsstring"] = "%fps "..L['FPS'], ['latencycolor'] = "ffff00",
["ldbstring"] = "%clock %latency %fps", }
['datecolor'] = defcolor, }
['fpscolor'] = defcolor, }
['clockcolor'] = defcolor, }
['latencycolor'] = "ffff00", child:NewAddOn(...)
local options = {}
local ldb = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1")
local ldbicon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0")
local cols = {
['datecolor'] = true,
['fpscolor'] = true,
['clockcolor'] = true,
['latencycolor'] = true,
local ainfo = {}
local GetNumAddOns = GetNumAddOns
local GetAddOnInfo = GetAddOnInfo
local GetAddOnMemoryUsage = GetAddOnMemoryUsage
local GetAddOnCPUUsage = GetAddOnCPUUsage
local IsAddOnLoaded = IsAddOnLoaded
local line
-- Fix Classic
local C_CVar = C_CVar or {
GetCVarBool = function(value)
return GetCVar(value) and true or false
local GameTimeFrame_OnClick = GameTimeFrame_OnClick or function(self) TimeManagerClockButton:Click() end
-- End of Fix Classic
local nextUpdate = GetTime()
local db = {}
local function toggleColor(col,col1,col2)
return col == col1 and col2 or col1
local function compute()
local c = date(db['clockstring'])
local d = date(db['datestring'])
for k in pairs(replaces) do
if(k ~= L[k]) then
d = d:gsub(k, L[k])
local h, w = select(3,GetNetStats())
local l = db['latencystring']
l = l:gsub("%%world", w)
l = l:gsub("%%local", h)
local f = db['fpsstring']
f = f:gsub("%%fps",floor(GetFramerate()))
return c,d,l,f
local function sortTab(a,b)
return a['mem'] > b['mem']
local function sortTab2(a,b)
return a['cpu'] > b['cpu']
local ainfodelay, lastainfo = 2, GetTime()
local function updateainfo()
local name, enabled, security, mem, cpu, _
for i=1, GetNumAddOns() do
mem = 0
cpu = 0
name, _, _, enabled, _, _, security = GetAddOnInfo(i)
if(name and enabled and IsAddOnLoaded(i)) then
mem = GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i)
cpu = GetAddOnCPUUsage(i)
ainfo[#ainfo+1] = {
['name'] = name,
['mem'] = mem,
['cpu'] = cpu,
local function OnTooltip(tip)
if(GetTime() > lastainfo) then
lastainfo = GetTime() + ainfodelay
local c,d,l,f = compute()
local col = "00ff00"
if(db['expert']) then
tip:AddLine(addon:colorize(format("%s, %s.%s",L[date("%A")],date("%d"),L[date("%B")]),col))
col = toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00")
if(db["12-Hours"]) then
col = toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00")
tip:AddDoubleLine(addon:colorize(L['Latency'],col),addon:colorize(format("%s ms",select(3,GetNetStats())),toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00")))
col = toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00")
tip:AddDoubleLine(addon:colorize(L['FPS'],col),addon:colorize(format("%i fps",floor(GetFramerate())),toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00")))
col = toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00")
tip:AddDoubleLine(addon:colorize(L['AddOn Memory'],col),addon:colorize(format("%i MB",floor(collectgarbage('count')/1024)),toggleColor(col,"ffffff","00ff00")))
tip:AddLine(" ")
local sum,cnt = 0,0
for _, v in ipairs(ainfo) do
if(cnt<9) then
tip:AddDoubleLine(addon:colorize(v['name'],"00ffff"),format(L["%i kB"],v['mem']))
cnt = cnt + 1
sum = sum + v['mem']
tip:AddDoubleLine(L['total'],format(L["%i kB"],format("%.2f",sum)))
local pCPU = C_CVar.GetCVarBool("scriptProfile")
if(pCPU) then
tip:AddLine(" ")
sum,cnt = 0,0
for _, v in ipairs(ainfo) do
if(cnt<5) then
tip:AddDoubleLine(addon:colorize(v['name'],"00ffff"),format(L["%i ms"],v['cpu']))
cnt = cnt + 1
sum = sum + v['cpu']
tip:AddDoubleLine(L['total'],format(L["%i ms"],format("%.2f",sum)))
tip:AddLine(" ")
local function OnText(message)
addon:OnText(childName, message)
local function OnButton(self, button)
if(button == 'RightButton') then
InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(childName) -- twice needed
elseif(button == 'MiddleButton') then
local pCPU = C_CVar.GetCVarBool("scriptProfile")
if(pCPU) then
pCPU = 0
pCPU = 1
C_CVar.SetCVar("scriptProfile", pCPU)
addon:Print(L["CPU setting changed. Please Reload UI."])
if(IsShiftKeyDown()) then
local db = addon['db']['global']['ldbicons']
db[childName]['hide'] = not db[childName]['hide']
if(ldbicon) then
if(db[childName]['hide']) then
elseif(IsControlKeyDown()) then
local function OnDataUpdate()
if(db['expert']) then
local c,d,l,f = compute()
line = db['ldbstring']
line = line:gsub("%%clock", addon:colorize(c,db['clockcolor']))
line = line:gsub("%%date", addon:colorize(d,db['datecolor']))
line = line:gsub("%%fps", addon:colorize(f,db['fpscolor']))
line = line:gsub("%%latency", addon:colorize(l,db['latencycolor']))
line = ''
if(db["showClock"]) then
line = format("%s%s ", line, db["12-Hours"] and date("%I:%M") or date("%H:%M"))
if(db["showLatency"]) then
line = format("%s%s",line,addon:colorize(format("%s ms ",select(3,GetNetStats())),"ffff00"))
if(db["showFPS"]) then
line = format("%s%s fps", line, floor(GetFramerate()))
if(line ~= '') then
C_Timer.After(db['update'], OnDataUpdate)
local function getPref(pref)
if(cols[pref[#pref]]) then
local r,g,b = addon:Hex2RGB(db[pref[#pref]])
return r/255,g/255,b/255,1
return db[pref[#pref]]
local function setPref(pref,value,g,b)
db[pref[#pref]] = cols[pref[#pref]] and addon:RGB2Hex(value*255,g*255,b*255) or value
local function expertMode()
return not db['expert']
local function init()
options = addon:InitConfig(childName, true, {
['name'] = childName,
['type'] = "data source",
['OnTooltipShow'] = OnTooltip,
['OnClick'] = OnButton,
}, getPref, setPref)
db = addon['db']['profile'][childName]
db["update"] = db["update"] or 1
db["clockstring"] = db["clockstring"] or (db["12-Hours"] and "%I:%M" or "%H:%M")
db["datestring"] = db["datestring"] or "%A, %d.%B"
db["latencystring"] = db["latencystring"] or "%world ms"
db["fpsstring"] = db["fpsstring"] or "%fps "..L['FPS']
db["ldbstring"] = db["ldbstring"] or "%clock %latency %fps"
for k in pairs(cols) do
db[k] = db[k] or defcolor
local menu = addon:AddConfigMenu({
['name'] = L['Clock'],
['order'] = 3,
['menuGet'] = getPref,
['menuSet'] = setPref,
['disabled'] = expertMode,
}, options)
local menu2 = addon:AddConfigMenu({
['name'] = L['Date'],
['order'] = 4,
['menuGet'] = getPref,
['menuSet'] = setPref,
['disabled'] = expertMode,
}, options)
local menu3 = addon:AddConfigMenu({
['name'] = L['Latency'],
['order'] = 5,
['menuGet'] = getPref,
['menuSet'] = setPref,
['disabled'] = expertMode,
}, options)
local menu4 = addon:AddConfigMenu({
['name'] = L['FPS'],
['order'] = 6,
['menuGet'] = getPref,
['menuSet'] = setPref,
['disabled'] = expertMode,
}, options)
local menu5 = addon:AddConfigMenu({
['name'] = L['LDB'],
['order'] = 7,
['menuGet'] = getPref,
['menuSet'] = setPref,
['disabled'] = expertMode,
}, options)
addon:AddConfigEntry(childName,"toggle","showClock",L['Show Clock'],nil,2,nil,nil,nil,nil,options)
addon:AddConfigEntry(childName,"toggle","showLatency",L['Show Latency'],nil,3,nil,nil,nil,nil,options)
addon:AddConfigEntry(childName,"toggle","showFPS",L['Show FPS'],nil,4,nil,nil,nil,nil,options)
C_Timer.After(db['update'], OnDataUpdate)
addon:startup(name, childName, init, true, defaults)

icon2.tga Normal file → Executable file
View File

locale_deDE.lua Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
local addonname, tab = ... local addonname, addon = ...
local name = "zz_Infoclock" local childName = addon['childName']
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(name, "deDE", false) local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(childName, "deDE", false)
if L then if L then
L[name] = name L[childName] = childName
L[name..' Settings'] = name..' Einstellungen' L[format('%s Settings', childName)] = format('%s Einstellungen', childName)
L['Sunday'] = "Sonntag" L['Sunday'] = "Sonntag"
L['Monday'] = "Montag" L['Monday'] = "Montag"
L['Tuesday'] = "Dienstag" L['Tuesday'] = "Dienstag"
L['Wednesday'] = "Mittwoch" L['Wednesday'] = "Mittwoch"
L['Thursday'] = "Donnerstag" L['Thursday'] = "Donnerstag"
L['Friday'] = "Freitag" L['Friday'] = "Freitag"
L['Saturday'] = "Samstag" L['Saturday'] = "Samstag"
L['January'] = "Januar" L['January'] = "Januar"
L['February'] = "Februar" L['February'] = "Februar"
L['March'] = "M\195\164rz" L['March'] = "M\195\164rz"
L['April'] = "April" L['April'] = "April"
L['May'] = "Mai" L['May'] = "Mai"
L['June'] = "Juni" L['June'] = "Juni"
L['July'] = "Juli" L['July'] = "Juli"
L['August'] = "August" L['August'] = "August"
L['September'] = "September" L['September'] = "September"
L['October'] = "Oktober" L['October'] = "Oktober"
L['November'] = "November" L['November'] = "November"
L['December'] = "Dezember" L['December'] = "Dezember"
L['Show Clock'] = "Zeige Uhrzeit" L['Show Clock'] = "Zeige Uhrzeit"
L['Show Latency'] = "Zeige Latenz" L['Show Latency'] = "Zeige Latenz"
L['Show FPS'] = "Zeige FPS" L['Show FPS'] = "Zeige FPS"
L['Time'] = "Uhrzeit" L['Time'] = "Uhrzeit"
L['FPS'] = "FPS" L['FPS'] = "FPS"
L['Latency'] = "Latenz" L['Latency'] = "Latenz"
L["garbagecollect"] = "|c0000ff00Strg-Linksklick|r |c00fffffferzwingt Garbage-Collect|r" L["garbagecollect"] = "|c0000ff00Strg-Linksklick|r |c00fffffferzwingt Garbage-Collect|r"
L['HINT3'] = "|c0000ff00Shift-Linksklick|r |c00ffffffschaltet Minimapicon an/aus|r" L['HINT3'] = "|c0000ff00Shift-Linksklick|r |c00ffffffschaltet Minimapicon an/aus|r"
L['HINT4'] = "|c0000ff00Linksklick|r |c00ffffffschaltet Kalender an/aus|r" L['HINT4'] = "|c0000ff00Linksklick|r |c00ffffffschaltet Kalender an/aus|r"
L['HINT5'] = "|c0000ff00Mittelklick|r |c00ffffffCPU Profiling \195\164ndern|r" L['HINT5'] = "|c0000ff00Mittelklick|r |c00ffffffCPU Profiling \195\164ndern|r"
L['AddOn Memory'] = "AddOn Speicher" L['AddOn Memory'] = "AddOn Speicher"
L["garbagecollected"] = "Garbage-Collect erzwungen" L["garbagecollected"] = "Garbage-Collect erzwungen"
L["12-Hours"] = "12-Stunden" L["12-Hours"] = "12-Stunden"
L['Clock'] = "Uhr" L['Clock'] = "Uhr"
L['Date'] = "Datum" L['Date'] = "Datum"
L['Expert'] = "Expertenmodus" L['Expert'] = "Expertenmodus"
L['LDB'] = "LDB" L['LDB'] = "LDB"
L['dateinfo'] = [=[%a is replaced by the locales abbreviated weekday name. L['dateinfo'] = [=[%a is replaced by the locales abbreviated weekday name.
%A is replaced by the locales full weekday name. %A is replaced by the locales full weekday name.
%b is replaced by the locales abbreviated month name. %b is replaced by the locales abbreviated month name.
%B is replaced by the locales full month name. %B is replaced by the locales full month name.
%c is replaced by the locales appropriate date and time representation. %c is replaced by the locales appropriate date and time representation.
%C is replaced by the century number the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer as a decimal number 00-99. %C is replaced by the century number the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer as a decimal number 00-99.
%d is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 01,31. %d is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 01,31.
%D same as %m/%d/%y. %D same as %m/%d/%y.
%e is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 1,31; a single digit is preceded by a space. %e is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 1,31; a single digit is preceded by a space.
%h same as %b. %h same as %b.
%H is replaced by the hour 24-hour clock as a decimal number 00,23. %H is replaced by the hour 24-hour clock as a decimal number 00,23.
%I is replaced by the hour 12-hour clock as a decimal number 01,12. %I is replaced by the hour 12-hour clock as a decimal number 01,12.
%j is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number 001,366. %j is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number 001,366.
%m is replaced by the month as a decimal number 01,12. %m is replaced by the month as a decimal number 01,12.
%M is replaced by the minute as a decimal number 00,59. %M is replaced by the minute as a decimal number 00,59.
%n is replaced by a newline character. %n is replaced by a newline character.
%p is replaced by the locales equivalent of either a.m. or p.m. %p is replaced by the locales equivalent of either a.m. or p.m.
%r is replaced by the time in a.m. and p.m. notation; in the POSIX locale this is equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p. %r is replaced by the time in a.m. and p.m. notation; in the POSIX locale this is equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p.
%R is replaced by the time in 24 hour notation %H:%M. %R is replaced by the time in 24 hour notation %H:%M.
%S is replaced by the second as a decimal number 00,61. %S is replaced by the second as a decimal number 00,61.
%t is replaced by a tab character. %t is replaced by a tab character.
%T is replaced by the time %H:%M:%S. %T is replaced by the time %H:%M:%S.
%u is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number 1,7 , with 1 representing Monday. %u is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number 1,7 , with 1 representing Monday.
%U is replaced by the week number of the year Sunday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 00,53. %U is replaced by the week number of the year Sunday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 00,53.
%V is replaced by the week number of the year Monday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 01,53. If the week containing 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1. Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1. %V is replaced by the week number of the year Monday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 01,53. If the week containing 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1. Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1.
%w is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number 0,6 , with 0 representing Sunday. %w is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number 0,6 , with 0 representing Sunday.
%W is replaced by the week number of the year Monday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 00,53. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0. %W is replaced by the week number of the year Monday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 00,53. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0.
%x is replaced by the locales appropriate date representation. %x is replaced by the locales appropriate date representation.
%X is replaced by the locales appropriate time representation. %X is replaced by the locales appropriate time representation.
%y is replaced by the year without century as a decimal number 00,99. %y is replaced by the year without century as a decimal number 00,99.
%Y is replaced by the year with century as a decimal number. %Y is replaced by the year with century as a decimal number.
%Z is replaced by the timezone name or abbreviation, or by no bytes if no timezone information exists. %Z is replaced by the timezone name or abbreviation, or by no bytes if no timezone information exists.
%% is replaced by %.]=] %% is replaced by %.]=]
L["Latencystring"] = "%world %local" L["Latencystring"] = "%world %local"
L['fpsstring'] = "%fps" L['fpsstring'] = "%fps"
L['ldbstring'] = "%clock %date %fps %latency" L['ldbstring'] = "%clock %date %fps %latency"
L["%i kB"] = "%i kB" L["%i kB"] = "%i kB"
L["%i ms"] = "%i ms" L["%i ms"] = "%i ms"
L["AddOns"] = "AddOns" L["AddOns"] = "AddOns"
L['CPU'] = 'CPU' L['CPU'] = 'CPU'
L['total'] = 'Gesamt' L['total'] = 'Gesamt'
L["CPU setting changed. Please Reload UI."] = "CPU Einstellung ge\195\164ndert. Bitte UI neu laden." L["CPU setting changed. Please Reload UI."] = "CPU Einstellung ge\195\164ndert. Bitte UI neu laden."
end end
-- ö \195\182 ß \195\159 -- ö \195\182 ß \195\159
-- ü \195\188 ä \195\164 -- ü \195\188 ä \195\164
-- Ä \195\132 -- Ä \195\132
-- ö \195\182 -- ö \195\182
-- ワ \195\156 -- ワ \195\156

View File

@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
local addonname, tab = ... local addonname, addon = ...
local name = "zz_Infoclock" local childName = addon['childName']
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(name, "enUS", true) local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(childName, "enUS", true)
if L then if L then
L[name] = name L[childName] = childName
L[name..' Settings'] = name..' Settings' L[format('%s Settings', childName)] = format('%s Settings', childName)
L['Sunday'] = true L['Sunday'] = true
L['Monday'] = true L['Monday'] = true
L['Tuesday'] = true L['Tuesday'] = true
L['Wednesday'] = true L['Wednesday'] = true
L['Thursday'] = true L['Thursday'] = true
L['Friday'] = true L['Friday'] = true
L['Saturday'] = true L['Saturday'] = true
L['January'] = true L['January'] = true
L['February'] = true L['February'] = true
L['March'] = true L['March'] = true
L['April'] = true L['April'] = true
L['May'] = true L['May'] = true
L['June'] = true L['June'] = true
L['July'] = true L['July'] = true
L['August'] = true L['August'] = true
L['September'] = true L['September'] = true
L['October'] = true L['October'] = true
L['November'] = true L['November'] = true
L['December'] = true L['December'] = true
L['Show Clock'] = true L['Show Clock'] = true
L['Show Latency'] = true L['Show Latency'] = true
L['Show FPS'] = true L['Show FPS'] = true
L['Time'] = true L['Time'] = true
L['FPS'] = true L['FPS'] = true
L['Latency'] = true L['Latency'] = true
L["garbagecollect"] = "|c0000ff00Ctrl-Leftclick|r |c00ffffffforces a garbage collect.|r" L["garbagecollect"] = "|c0000ff00Ctrl-Leftclick|r |c00ffffffforces a garbage collect.|r"
L['HINT3'] = "|c0000ff00Shift-Leftclick|r |c00fffffftoggles minimap icon|r" L['HINT3'] = "|c0000ff00Shift-Leftclick|r |c00fffffftoggles minimap icon|r"
L['HINT4'] = "|c0000ff00Leftclick|r |c00fffffftoggles calendar|r" L['HINT4'] = "|c0000ff00Leftclick|r |c00fffffftoggles calendar|r"
L['HINT5'] = "|c0000ff00Middleclick|r |c00ffffffToggle CPU profiling|r" L['HINT5'] = "|c0000ff00Middleclick|r |c00ffffffToggle CPU profiling|r"
L['AddOn Memory'] = true L['AddOn Memory'] = true
L["garbagecollected"] = "Forced garbage collect" L["garbagecollected"] = "Forced garbage collect"
L["12-Hours"] = true L["12-Hours"] = true
L['Clock'] = "Clock" L['Clock'] = "Clock"
L['Date'] = "Date" L['Date'] = "Date"
L['Expert'] = "Expert mode" L['Expert'] = "Expert mode"
L['LDB'] = "LDB" L['LDB'] = "LDB"
L['dateinfo'] = [=[%a is replaced by the locales abbreviated weekday name. L['dateinfo'] = [=[%a is replaced by the locales abbreviated weekday name.
%A is replaced by the locales full weekday name. %A is replaced by the locales full weekday name.
%b is replaced by the locales abbreviated month name. %b is replaced by the locales abbreviated month name.
%B is replaced by the locales full month name. %B is replaced by the locales full month name.
%c is replaced by the locales appropriate date and time representation. %c is replaced by the locales appropriate date and time representation.
%C is replaced by the century number the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer as a decimal number 00-99. %C is replaced by the century number the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer as a decimal number 00-99.
%d is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 01,31. %d is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 01,31.
%D same as %m/%d/%y. %D same as %m/%d/%y.
%e is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 1,31; a single digit is preceded by a space. %e is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 1,31; a single digit is preceded by a space.
%h same as %b. %h same as %b.
%H is replaced by the hour 24-hour clock as a decimal number 00,23. %H is replaced by the hour 24-hour clock as a decimal number 00,23.
%I is replaced by the hour 12-hour clock as a decimal number 01,12. %I is replaced by the hour 12-hour clock as a decimal number 01,12.
%j is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number 001,366. %j is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number 001,366.
%m is replaced by the month as a decimal number 01,12. %m is replaced by the month as a decimal number 01,12.
%M is replaced by the minute as a decimal number 00,59. %M is replaced by the minute as a decimal number 00,59.
%n is replaced by a newline character. %n is replaced by a newline character.
%p is replaced by the locales equivalent of either a.m. or p.m. %p is replaced by the locales equivalent of either a.m. or p.m.
%r is replaced by the time in a.m. and p.m. notation; in the POSIX locale this is equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p. %r is replaced by the time in a.m. and p.m. notation; in the POSIX locale this is equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p.
%R is replaced by the time in 24 hour notation %H:%M. %R is replaced by the time in 24 hour notation %H:%M.
%S is replaced by the second as a decimal number 00,61. %S is replaced by the second as a decimal number 00,61.
%t is replaced by a tab character. %t is replaced by a tab character.
%T is replaced by the time %H:%M:%S. %T is replaced by the time %H:%M:%S.
%u is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number 1,7 , with 1 representing Monday. %u is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number 1,7 , with 1 representing Monday.
%U is replaced by the week number of the year Sunday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 00,53. %U is replaced by the week number of the year Sunday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 00,53.
%V is replaced by the week number of the year Monday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 01,53. If the week containing 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1. Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1. %V is replaced by the week number of the year Monday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 01,53. If the week containing 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1. Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1.
%w is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number 0,6 , with 0 representing Sunday. %w is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number 0,6 , with 0 representing Sunday.
%W is replaced by the week number of the year Monday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 00,53. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0. %W is replaced by the week number of the year Monday as the first day of the week as a decimal number 00,53. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0.
%x is replaced by the locales appropriate date representation. %x is replaced by the locales appropriate date representation.
%X is replaced by the locales appropriate time representation. %X is replaced by the locales appropriate time representation.
%y is replaced by the year without century as a decimal number 00,99. %y is replaced by the year without century as a decimal number 00,99.
%Y is replaced by the year with century as a decimal number. %Y is replaced by the year with century as a decimal number.
%Z is replaced by the timezone name or abbreviation, or by no bytes if no timezone information exists. %Z is replaced by the timezone name or abbreviation, or by no bytes if no timezone information exists.
%% is replaced by %.]=] %% is replaced by %.]=]
L["Latencystring"] = "%world %local" L["Latencystring"] = "%world %local"
L['fpsstring'] = "%fps" L['fpsstring'] = "%fps"
L['ldbstring'] = "%clock %date %fps %latency" L['ldbstring'] = "%clock %date %fps %latency"
L["%i kB"] = "%i kB" L["%i kB"] = "%i kB"
L["%i ms"] = "%i ms" L["%i ms"] = "%i ms"
L["AddOns"] = "AddOns" L["AddOns"] = "AddOns"
L['CPU'] = 'CPU' L['CPU'] = 'CPU'
L['total'] = 'Total' L['total'] = 'Total'
L["CPU setting changed. Please Reload UI."] = "CPU setting changed. Please Reload UI." L["CPU setting changed. Please Reload UI."] = "CPU setting changed. Please Reload UI."
end end

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
<Ui xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/ ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd"> <Ui xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/ ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
<script file="locale_deDE.lua"/> <Script file="init.lua"/>
<script file="locale_enUS.lua"/> <Script file="locale_enUS.lua"/>
<Script file="core.lua"/> <Script file="locale_deDE.lua"/>
<Script file="prefs.lua"/>
<Script file="broker.lua"/>
<Script file="core.lua"/>
</Ui> </Ui>

View File

@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
## Interface: 90002 ## Interface: 90005
## X-Repository: https://svn.grml.de/zz_Infoclock ## X-Repository: https://git.grml.de/rilgamon/zz_Infoclock.git
## X-WoWI-ID: 15497 ## X-WoWI-ID: 15497
## X-Curse-Project-ID: 39074 ## X-Curse-Project-ID: 39074
## X-TOC-Classic: 11302 ## X-TOC-Classic: 11302
## Title: Infoclock ## Title: Infoclock
## Notes: Broker clock, latency and framerate AddOn ## OptionalDeps: zzLib, Ace3, BrokerPack
## Notes-deDE: Broker Uhr, Latenz, FPS ## SavedVariables: zz_InfoclockDB
## Author: Rilgamon Libs\embeds.xml
## SavedVariables: zz_InfoclockDB pack.xml
## LoadManagers: AddonLoader
## X-LoadOn-Always: delayed
## OptionalDeps: Ace3,BrokerPack,zzLibCommon